Title: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: StephenC on April 15, 2015, 06:28:51 PM I have the Rizoma rear sets for my 1100S, to clean up the back of the bike. In the future I may have my son as a pillion so want to look into passenger pegs for him, so want to research my options. The obvious option are the Rizoma add-ons http://store.proitalia.com/rizoma-ducati-monster-696-796-1100-passenger-pegs (http://store.proitalia.com/rizoma-ducati-monster-696-796-1100-passenger-pegs), does anybody have any experience installing them? I actually don't have the OEM rear sets (the bike didn't come with them), but wouldn't put those ugly things back on anyway. The only other option I have come across were these: http://www.igt-parts.de/Passenger-foot-peg-Ducati-Monster-696-796-1100-By-all (http://www.igt-parts.de/Passenger-foot-peg-Ducati-Monster-696-796-1100-By-all). Are there any other options I should be looking at? Ideally I want something discrete or that I could easily remove and put back on, as I doubt I would have a pillion often.
My bike is the 1100S, with Termignomi exhausts, which might limit mounting options, as they are under the seat (http://sconnor1.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/M1100S/i-gsdFmQc/0/M/0V3A0003-M.jpg) Title: Re: Post by: Raux on April 15, 2015, 08:14:36 PM Style and performance makes a set
Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: ungeheuer on April 16, 2015, 01:45:22 AM Would the M1100 EVO rear peg hangers bolt straight on?
Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: StephenC on April 16, 2015, 02:59:43 AM I might have a better look at the S&P ones, once I get back home to Australia. They look like you could easily take the pegs off and leave the mount. My worry with the Rizoma ones are that they mount to some pretty hefty bolts on the frame so would likely take some work to remove.
Title: Re: Post by: Raux on April 16, 2015, 03:52:18 AM I always thought the evo pegs would but I think holes need to be drilled and tapped. And yes I rode all the time with the mount of the s&p on with the arms off until I needed them.
Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: StephenC on April 16, 2015, 06:44:15 AM I'm glad you replied Raux, as I think I saw your bike mentioned on another forum, with regards to those pegs. I'm out of town at the moment, with slow internet. Any chance you could post a few pictures here, to save me wading through search results? Any issues installing them? I gather some people had issues with needing extra spacers. Thanks
Title: Re: Post by: Raux on April 17, 2015, 08:14:48 PM No issues other than spacers. But i created the issues cause my subframe is painted. Photos... Best to look at my build thread not sure how to link photos on my phone.
Title: Re: Post by: Raux on April 18, 2015, 04:22:34 AM Apparently all my old pics dont show. Anchorism has them now so maybe he can post some pics.
Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: StephenC on April 18, 2015, 03:10:22 PM I discovered the same when I searched last night. Cheers for looking though.
The S&P main strut is attached to the same point as the exhaust bracket, is that right? I'm assuming there are no issues with the exhaust bracket being pushed down a few mm by the extra material between it and the frame? Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: StephenC on April 18, 2015, 08:26:17 PM Google came up with some pictures of Raux's bike:
(http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n206/jmlenz/pegs.jpg) (http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n206/jmlenz/pegs2.jpg) and also Stormtrooper's review of the S&P set, with some good photos: http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=64430.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=64430.0) I think I will go for these, as they are about as discreet, with the actual pegs removed, as I could hope. They also look like they should be an easy install - in answer to my own question, they mount just in front of the exhaust bracket. It looks like the bolts I need to remove for the instal are something I can jus remove and replace. I was a bit nervous about removing the upper bolt for the Rizoma ones, as it looks like it holds the engine onto the subframe! (https://www.motovationusa.com/mvstore/ProdImages/PE576_lg.jpg) Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: ungeheuer on April 19, 2015, 12:16:11 AM S&P rear footpeg hangers look much better than the Rizomas IMO.
Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: StephenC on April 19, 2015, 03:12:41 AM If the Rizomas just bolt on and off, then they are my preference. From the photos it doesn't look that way, in which case I'll go with the S&P. I suspect I'll be riding solo 99% of the time, so ease of removal and clean looks are the priority. Pro-Italia list the Rizoma as "extremely easy to instal", so I have messaged them to clarify.
Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: StephenC on April 19, 2015, 05:40:29 PM Pro-Italia has assured me, several times, that the Rizoma set is an easy instal and will come on and off with ease. I can not find the instructions for them anywhere online but the photos make it look as though one bolt goes onto the existing rears (where there is a specific mount point) and the other goes to the subframe (at points A and C on the attached diagram). If the passenger pegs just clamp in on top of the existing bolt (there is quite a deep recess at that point) then the instal will truly be easy. If you have to remove the pin (marked 13) then I am concerned it becomes very tricky. My reading of the parts diagram is that pin 13 is one of the two main anchor points for the subframe on the engine. If I pull that out the engine would likely shift in the frame and make putting the pin back in very hard! Anybody more technically minded than me care to have a look and offer an opinion?
(http://sconnor1.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/M1100S/i-Wmd4NJn/0/L/Diagram-L.jpg) Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: danaid on April 20, 2015, 09:21:44 AM I'm going to order rear pegs as well. I have rizoma rear sets and the rear pegs look easy to install, like installing frame sliders. I have the full Termignoni exhaust and I haven't checked if they will fit.
Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: StephenC on April 23, 2015, 11:35:35 PM Please post with more information, if you do get the Rizoma ones.
I have managed (thanks to the kind folks at Bikecraft, in Victoria) to get a copy of the install instructions: (http://sconnor1.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/M1100S/i-kWgfHRs/0/L/Riz-L.jpg) It looks, to me, like you replace the long pin holding the subframe to the engine with one that Rizoma supply and that you then bolt the passenger pegs onto special nuts on the ends of this. If this is the case the passenger pegs would go on and off very easily and leave next to no evidence they were there, when removed (unlike the horizontal component of the S&P setup). This is exactly what I want. I am still very wary of removing the original pin though. What parts of the bike (engine, frame etc) would I have to support, if I remove this? Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: danaid on April 24, 2015, 08:52:03 AM I ordered the s&p kit. My bike has full Termignoni exhaust and I wasn't sure if the rizoma would fit, plus I don't like the way the rizoma runs across the exhaust pipe, but I guess it doesn't really matter since the kits are both removable when not being used. I was leary of removing the larger mounting pin to install a set of frame sliders, but it was fast and easy.
One end of the pin has a nut on it, remove the nut and drive the old pin out using the new pin, a floor jack under the engine was needed when I installed sliders on my 696, but wasn't necessary when I installed the sliders on my 1100, same concept with the rear subframe pin. Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: StephenC on April 25, 2015, 12:01:28 AM I've ordered the Rizoma kit, from BikeCraft. I've started a thread in Tech (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=70774.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=70774.0)) as this is becoming more of a Tech question. Thanks to everybody, for their input. Good luck with your install danaid.
Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: StephenC on May 14, 2015, 05:19:41 PM OK, the kit finally came through, so here's how it went. The instal was super easy, with the engine supported on a jack. I've written up a How To (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=70929.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=70929.0)).
Here's the bike with the structural rod in place, but the hangers left off: (http://sconnor1.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/Modifications/Rizoma-Passenger-Peg-Kit/i-tMMR2JG/0/M/0V3A0007-M.jpg) I think it looks pretty tidy. The hangers then just bolt on with four bolts (two each side): (http://sconnor1.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/Modifications/Rizoma-Passenger-Peg-Kit/i-Qj2WxGN/0/M/0V3A0013-M.jpg) I'm very pleased. I will probably leave them off most of the time, to keep the back looking clean, but can stick them on to take a pillion in a couple of minutes. Thanks to everybody for their help and advice. Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: danaid on May 15, 2015, 02:19:38 PM Very nice!
I received my S&P kit the other day. I have not installed the kit yet, but I'm not liking it and might sell the kit. Does the passenger peg arm flair out past the heal guard? I have the same rear sets, but with full Termignoni exhaust, I don't know if there would be clearance issues. Title: Re: Passenger Pegs for 1100S Post by: StephenC on May 15, 2015, 02:59:55 PM They do flair out a bit but if your pipes were any lower you might have a problem as they sit more below the heat guards than outside them.