Title: WSBK----Assen----Spoilers Post by: ducpainter on April 19, 2015, 05:58:28 AM Sykes Rea Haslam on the front row.
Title: Re: WSBK----Assen----Spoilers Post by: duccarlos on April 19, 2015, 08:47:48 AM Rea takes the double, but Davies took both 2nd. Davies is the savior for the Panigale. The Kawi is just too dominant.
Title: Re: WSBK----Assen----Spoilers Post by: MadDuck on April 28, 2015, 08:28:45 AM Rea takes the double, but Davies took both 2nd. Davies is the savior for the Panigale. The Kawi is just too dominant. True that, but Davies ran away with the second race at Aragon. Rea may be the guy this year but the other guys aren't going down without a fight. |