Title: Power Commander for a 620 worth it? Post by: The ModFather on May 11, 2015, 03:57:54 AM Always wanted to give the little girl a bit more jump in the rump but I'm worried that the net gain will be negligible. If I add a PC-3 and maybe open up the airbox will it be worth it in terms of more power or am I just going to muck up a bike that runs perfectly right now? FYI the bike has Boom Tubes exhaust and I've already swapped out my front sprocket for a 14T. Anyone do this on a 620?
Title: Re: Power Commander for a 620 worth it? Post by: DarkMonster620 on May 11, 2015, 04:57:01 AM My $0.02:
I have had the Dobeck and PC3, both were on my M620 w/open airbox and hi mount Termis. Dobeck[didn't adjust factory settings]: easier running and starting . . . ran cooler, not much, during spirited rides, easiness of installation; higher fuel consumption >>> http://www.dobeckperformance.com/viewproduct.asp?vehicleid=465 (http://www.dobeckperformance.com/viewproduct.asp?vehicleid=465) [I had the TFI Gen2] PC3: same as above :-\ I'd recommend, to have an exhaust gas analyzer if you would like to make any adjustments since, adjusting idle will affect other areas or pay to have it dyno tuned . . . Title: Re: Power Commander for a 620 worth it? Post by: stopintime on May 11, 2015, 06:29:18 AM If you're comfortable spending on a PC3 and Dyno work, yes, do it [thumbsup]
Smoother, stronger, better economy, easier on the engine. Open air box would help in the search for another few bhp, maybe a lighter flywheel to make it feel more eager... It won't be that much faster, but a fun project [Dolph] Title: Re: Power Commander for a 620 worth it? Post by: danaid on May 11, 2015, 12:41:21 PM Agreed with if you can afford it, do it!
No 620 experience but added PC 5 and dyno tune for my 1100. It only added a few HP, but smoothed out the engine, starts easier, runs cooler but mileage went way down. Title: Re: Post by: Raux on May 13, 2015, 07:09:36 AM Lighter flywheel was best part of my 696 upgrade, that and electraeon quick throttle cam. Adding the pc v, exhaust, free flow filter and more open box top.. its a fun little bike. I even went back to 15t front since it was so smooth and pulled quickly up rev range.
Title: Re: Power Commander for a 620 worth it? Post by: DarkMonster620 on May 13, 2015, 04:27:26 PM Lighter flywheel was best part of my 696 upgrade, that and electraeon quick throttle cam. Adding the pc v, exhaust, free flow filter and more open box top.. its a fun little bike. I even went back to 15t front since it was so smooth and pulled quickly up rev range. those on my M620 plus the G2 throttle tamer made a ton of difference . . . I will correct my first post, with the Dobeck & PC3 fuel consumption was almost as OEM maybe a little better, on longer rides, in city riding, was as I stated, worst |