A quick guide to the kit above, as I couldn't find decent instructions anywhere else. You need to have already installed the Rizoma rear-sets (PE209). This should work on any of the last generation monsters. Mine is an 1100S but the 696 and 796 will both be the same.
The Kit
The Instructions
And my guide
Firstly, you need to support the engine on something. This may not be absolutely necessary but as you will be removing one of the two main bolts holding the engine in the frame I felt it was safest to have backup support. I just used a car jack and small piece of wood, and jacked it just enough to take the weight of the engine, without actually lifting anything.
You have to undo the bolt holding the subframe to the engine. It is actually a long rod with a nut on the right hand side of the bike. If you brace the bolt marked you can undo the nut (in the same position) on the right side of the bike. It needs a 14mm socket on the left side and a 15mm socket on the right and takes a bit of heft.
You can then push the original rod out of the left side of the bike by inserting the Rizoma one from the right. With the engine supported properly it should push through easily.
As the bike manual and Rizoma instructions both call for grease on the threads I applied this before pushing the rod in, as the thread is quite recessed and tricky to get at even with the rod inserted all the way through. The Rizoma instructions say to reuse the original washer on the left side of the bike (but then show it on the right). As there was no washer, and everything fit fine I simply didn't bother.
Tighten the nut on the end (now on the left side of the bike) to 60Nm, as per the Workshop Manual.
This is what the setup looks like, with the pegs left off:
As I don't intend to have a pillion often, I will likely leave it like this, as it is a very easy job to put the actual pegs on or off and leaves a cleaner look.
The final step is to attach the pegs. They simply bolt onto the special socket on the rod you just installed and the appropriate hole on the Rizoma rear-sets. The instructions specify a torque of 22-26Nm and to use grease. It is a 6mm hex for these and the actual foot pegs, which simply bolt on to the hangers.
The finished product:
I hope that helps somebody else either do their instal or decide if this is the kit they want (I was torn between this and the Style & Performance option).
Looks good, [thumbsup]
what are the advantages of Rizoma rear set & passenger pegs set over the OEM set up? [Dolph]
It looks much better.
The rear pegs go on and off (which looks even better).
The rear-sets are adjustable.
Did I say, it looks better!
Thanks for sharing. [Dolph] [clap]