Title: Hello from Northern California. Post by: Eccentric on May 25, 2015, 01:08:48 AM Hello all,
New to the site, and sadly don't own a Ducati at present. Have had various bikes over the years, but never a Ducati. In 1999 I almost bought a new M900s. Some financial curveballs came up and torpedo'd the plan. Kept riding my Japanese bikes instead. Those are gone now too. Hitting my 'mid life crisis' (so sez the wife) and am once again feeling the urge to get a bike. Hankering for a Ducati. Always have loved the sound and the feel of them. Just gathering info (and saving $) at this stage. Hope to pick up a bike sometime within the next year or so... Title: Re: Hello from Northern California. Post by: koko64 on May 25, 2015, 04:55:10 AM Welcome and good luck.
Title: Re: Hello from Northern California. Post by: Eccentric on May 28, 2015, 12:08:22 AM Thank you. [thumbsup]