Title: Aloha from Hawaii Post by: cintronr on June 13, 2015, 06:01:25 PM Hello Everyone!
My name is Rico, I am in the military, on the island of Oahu. I have a Monster 796 2013 ABS that I have been trying to mod out! I had a Monster 696, it was my baby. It was stolen (lock up your bikes and get alarms!). My current mods are: -Two Brothers Exhaust Black Series (Aluminum) My bike is black and red so i am trying to get the aluminum powdercoated black and the bands and exhaust caps PC red. -Power Commander 5 -Bar end mirrors -Black Brake and Clutch control levers -Charcoal Evap can removed -Evotech Fender Eliminator -Custom Tool Box for more space (ask me how i did it, happy to share!) Mods i am trying to do :D -MWR airbox filter, adds some HP! (i might see if any of you have MWR mod and see about getting a PC5 Map from yall!) -K&N airfilter (need that PC5 map lol) -Royal Purple (inexpensive) -Powdercoat my exhaust and foot pegs -Paint the "Brembo" letters and Sign on my brake calipers Red with brake caliper paint -Anodized aluminum bolts for the engine (a company does them for a monster 695 so i have to get the specs for my bolts and send them to those folks to get a kit for mine! Not too expensive. -USB power bank to charge my electronics while i ride (waterproof obviously) -HIDs - Ceramic coat my exhaust black!!!! And thats about it! Please hit me up if you have questions about the mods i have done so far! Title: Re: Aloha from Hawaii Post by: ungeheuer on June 14, 2015, 06:20:13 AM Welcome aboard Rico [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Aloha from Hawaii Post by: Dochunt on June 14, 2015, 10:54:48 AM Welcome to the club.
I have a 2012 M796 ABS How did you make that tool box. Thanks. PS you have done some nice mods. Title: Re: Aloha from Hawaii Post by: cintronr on June 15, 2015, 03:26:49 AM Hey thanks guys! Dochunt I visited a plastic shop and had them make a box that extended inches down. I had to Dremel the bottom out and use small screws. I will give dimensions and take pics when I can.
Title: Re: Aloha from Hawaii Post by: Dochunt on June 15, 2015, 08:45:33 AM Thats awesome.
Pics will be great. Thanks Title: Re: Aloha from Hawaii Post by: ward72 on June 15, 2015, 11:04:28 PM Welcome. I'm new here, too.