Title: Do I need to wire up the Parking Light? Post by: The ModFather on June 16, 2015, 07:24:45 AM Bought the Motowheels 7" Headlight Kit and adapter ring for my 05 Monster 620 and also bought a Sylvania ZXE H4 Bulb for it. It's all plug and play for the H4 but the parking light will need to be wired to the stock connector. I've heard that the parking light bulb can look yellow next to the the newer H4 bulbs. I'm wondering if I need the parking light wired at all? Can I just leave it unconnected? Is it going to be a problem in terms of the amount of expected current being drawn on that circuit if I dont? Any other issues with not having the parking light connected?
Title: Re: Do I need to wire up the Parking Light? Post by: SpikeC on June 16, 2015, 02:28:07 PM You won't be able to park?
Title: Re: Do I need to wire up the Parking Light? Post by: ducpainter on June 16, 2015, 02:38:35 PM Other than having to ride constantly like Spike says...
I wouldn't worry. ;D ;D Title: Re: Do I need to wire up the Parking Light? Post by: Duck-Stew on June 17, 2015, 05:21:35 AM No issues w/current draw.
And, if you're going to be constantly riding, you could remove the side-stand for the weight savings! [laugh] Title: Re: Do I need to wire up the Parking Light? Post by: The ModFather on June 17, 2015, 09:11:48 AM LOL now if someone could point me towards the mod for fueling while riding. If planes can do it ...