Title: DETAILING a Motorcycle Post by: cintronr on June 19, 2015, 11:36:26 AM Hello all,
Just wanted to see if we can get together and share tips and tricks for detailing a motorcycle. I am not taking about a simple wash. Detailing is so much more. I detail cars but, Motorcycles are so much more difficult IMO to keep show room ready. Let's do this, detailing here we come! Title: Re: DETAILING a Motorcycle Post by: DarkMonster620 on June 19, 2015, 11:42:39 AM I usually take all plastics and parts that can be taken off and/or apart, take wheels off . . .
Title: Re: DETAILING a Motorcycle Post by: kopfjäger on June 19, 2015, 11:51:42 AM BP, pick up the white courtesy phone.
Title: Re: DETAILING a Motorcycle Post by: mdgore on June 19, 2015, 01:26:38 PM (https://c4.staticflickr.com/4/3674/18969368391_1b656701c5_o.jpg)
Title: Re: DETAILING a Motorcycle Post by: Grampa on June 19, 2015, 04:56:22 PM BP, pick up the white courtesy phone. All our need is time, water, soap, towels, wax, and a Frank Sinatra CD. Beer is optional. Title: Re: DETAILING a Motorcycle Post by: the_Journeyman on June 19, 2015, 05:07:34 PM (https://c4.staticflickr.com/4/3674/18969368391_1b656701c5_o.jpg) Yup. JM Title: Re: DETAILING a Motorcycle Post by: EEL on June 20, 2015, 04:25:14 AM goo gone is my friend for chain fling and road tar.
i use this instead of s100. it freakin costs a dollar a bottle from dollar tree and works great in dilution. Try it.if you dont like it, you are out a buck. https://www.lastotallyawesome.com/shop/all-purpose/awesome-all-purpose-concentrated-cleaner-32oz/ (https://www.lastotallyawesome.com/shop/all-purpose/awesome-all-purpose-concentrated-cleaner-32oz/) |