Title: Miscellaneous Cool East German Motorcycles Post by: ungeheuer on June 20, 2015, 02:05:42 AM The shortest thread in DMF history [laugh]
(http://data.motor-talk.de/data/galleries/0/180/6783/43195211/bild015-9031860873952580038.jpg) I once owned one of these absolute beauties. Note the cool optional side-stand mounted on the end of the swingarm. Title: Re: Miscellaneous Cool East German Motorcycles Post by: Two dogs on June 23, 2015, 02:17:45 AM Cunny funt
Title: Re: Miscellaneous Cool East German Motorcycles Post by: Dochunt on June 23, 2015, 04:54:25 AM The kick starter is on the wrong side,
I guess it is because they were leftists. ;D Title: Re: Miscellaneous Cool East German Motorcycles Post by: ducatiz on June 23, 2015, 05:08:33 AM One brand, but multiple bikes..
(http://www.mz-heinz.de/mz_heinz_bilddateien/images_old/mz_skorpion/mz-sk-sport-cl.jpg) Title: Re: Miscellaneous Cool East German Motorcycles Post by: ducatiz on June 23, 2015, 05:09:44 AM (http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/Gallery%20%20A/MZ%201000SF%20%202.jpg)
Title: Re: Miscellaneous Cool East German Motorcycles Post by: Bill in OKC on June 23, 2015, 07:33:05 AM I once owned one of these absolute beauties. Note the cool optional side-stand mounted on the end of the swingarm. My Father-in-law had one of these (yellow) - cool way they enclosed the chain, lasted forever Title: Re: Miscellaneous Cool East German Motorcycles Post by: beethoven on June 23, 2015, 11:29:42 PM (http://git.me/photo/2015/02/03/1160068561120410624/7413716023266869248/mz-ets-250-trophy-sport-1973.jpg)
I am old enough to have owned a brand new 1972 MZ ETS 250. Ive linked a photo of a yellow Trophy Sport. Mine was red naturally and bullet proof. I rode it from Sydney to Cobar regularly as I worked in the copper mine at the time. Bought it from the legendary Tony Hatton who had the dealership. Top speed 65 mph unless you slipstreamed a van on the highway. Had it to 80mph for a short burst before the piston started to sieze. Rapid clutch engagement necessary. Those were the days. |