Title: New Seat Cover over DP Comfort Seat? Post by: The ModFather on June 24, 2015, 05:35:23 AM I picked upa DP Comfort seat a while back and I'm really happy with it except for the synthetic fabric look of the material. I'm thinking of ordering a LuiMoto seat cover for it. Anyone put a new seat cover over the DP comfort seat? I cant think of any reason it wouldnt work. Just want to make sure I'm not missing something.
Title: Re: New Seat Cover over DP Comfort Seat? Post by: stopintime on June 24, 2015, 08:38:40 AM It's going to be a little bulky if you put it over the existing cover, but I'm not sure you can remove it...
The only other consern is that the DP comfort seat is quite flat and a new cover might appear 'flappy' there. Maybe spray glue could fix it. If at all an issue... Title: Re: New Seat Cover over DP Comfort Seat? Post by: The ModFather on June 24, 2015, 07:59:47 PM Yeah I might be better off getting a used OEM seat to recover or just tell them to add some foam if needed as ainplan to get it professionally installed. Anyone do a leather seat cover? How does that hold up? Pros : Cons? Im seriously considering it.
Title: Re: New Seat Cover over DP Comfort Seat? Post by: NAKID on June 25, 2015, 08:09:05 AM Yeah I might be better off getting a used OEM seat to recover or just tell them to add some foam if needed as ainplan to get it professionally installed. Anyone do a leather seat cover? How does that hold up? Pros : Cons? Im seriously considering it. I've had my DP seat for almost as long as I've had the bike and I love it. I think the comfort will out weigh the issues you have with the looks. Title: Re: New Seat Cover over DP Comfort Seat? Post by: The ModFather on June 25, 2015, 12:23:51 PM If comfort outweighed looks I dont think I'd be riding a Ducati Monster with clip-ons or a Sport 1000S! [laugh] I'd probably be on a MultiStrada and I for sure would've kept my Diavel.
But seriously... I want to have it all. I want the comfort seat and I want it to look bad ass. That doesnt seem out of the realm of possibility to me. Title: Re: New Seat Cover over DP Comfort Seat? Post by: MotoPsycho on June 25, 2015, 10:49:44 PM Dis what I got. I love it.
http://www.htmoto.us/store/p/360-DUCATI-Monster-M620-M750-M900-93-04-Seat-Cover.aspx (http://www.htmoto.us/store/p/360-DUCATI-Monster-M620-M750-M900-93-04-Seat-Cover.aspx) Title: Re: New Seat Cover over DP Comfort Seat? Post by: The ModFather on June 26, 2015, 03:48:51 PM Can you post a pic of it on your bike? Would love to see what it looks like on a bike.
Dis what I got. I love it. http://www.htmoto.us/store/p/360-DUCATI-Monster-M620-M750-M900-93-04-Seat-Cover.aspx (http://www.htmoto.us/store/p/360-DUCATI-Monster-M620-M750-M900-93-04-Seat-Cover.aspx) Title: Re: New Seat Cover over DP Comfort Seat? Post by: MotoPsycho on June 30, 2015, 11:52:48 PM (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s236/grubbywarrior/546442A7-C3E3-4726-99CF-A9E0C04B51DC.jpg) (http://s153.photobucket.com/user/grubbywarrior/media/546442A7-C3E3-4726-99CF-A9E0C04B51DC.jpg.html)
I got the carbon black on everything but panels a and d, they're nonslip black. Done over the original cover. I wanted it to be a bit stiffer because of the way the cover fits on. |