Title: NY Ticket Post by: Mduc on July 15, 2008, 01:19:06 PM My brother in-law purchased his first bike an FZ6. Since he bought it from Long Island and we live in NJ, he asked me if I can ride it home for him. Everything was good until a cop pulled me over because it did not have a lisence plate. I gave him all the paper work which I had in my jacked and it was all fine. But since nothing was wrong he said I was doing 70 in a 50mph zone. I say its bullshit but arguing wont do anything. He have me a ticket. It says on the back that it will be 90 dollars. I dont mind paying the ticket since its not that much but will I get points on my NJ lisence when I got a speeding ticket in NY?
Just trying to figure out if its worth the hassle of going to court. If no points I would just pay but if I will get points cause of this I will want to go to court. Anyone know if I will get points on this one? Title: Re: NY Ticket Post by: CDawg on July 15, 2008, 01:31:53 PM Sorry bro, I think you will be getting some points:
http://www.state.nj.us/mvc/Violations/penalties_otherStates.htm http://www.northjersey.com/news/transportation/17794954.html Title: Re: NY Ticket Post by: Howie on July 15, 2008, 05:00:41 PM Even if you don't get points in New Jersey if you get enough points in NY you can loose your privilege to operate a motor vehicle in NY. If the ticket was not written in NYC you may be able to plea bargain.
This person will give a phone consult for free: http://www.speedlaw.net If the case is not worth his fee he will tell you. Pakhan on this board also has someone who works both sides of the river. PM him. Title: Re: NY Ticket Post by: Mduc on July 16, 2008, 04:46:03 AM Hmm thats a tought one. So I would get two points. My insurance doesn't go up unless its more than two but two or less and its stays put. If this was somewhere closer I would definately go and fight this without thinking but taking a day off and wasting a day god knows where in the city is not appealing.
The thing is that on the back of the ticket I am in the second category 11-20mph so even if I go to court and they reduce lets say from 4 points to 2 I still get 2 in NJ. This will be the same as just getting 2 without fighting and paying court fees. Title: Re: NY Ticket Post by: Pakhan on July 16, 2008, 06:54:42 AM If it's only 2 point you can rid of that through a defensive driving course, I don't know how that works though for tickets from out of state where the points transfer.