Title: LED bulbs for monster 796 Turnsignals. Post by: cintronr on July 28, 2015, 09:07:58 PM Здравствуйте все,
Does anyone know of LED replacement bulbs for the stock turn signals? Thanks. Title: Re: LED bulbs for monster 796 Turnsignals. Post by: stopintime on July 28, 2015, 10:36:55 PM http://www.vizi-tec.com/7507-led-bulb-mini-led-tower/ (http://www.vizi-tec.com/7507-led-bulb-mini-led-tower/)
Title: Re: LED bulbs for monster 796 Turnsignals. Post by: danaid on July 30, 2015, 11:16:57 AM RY10W is difficult to find in LED, I was following a post on a BMW forum for a solution as those bikes use the same bulbs. Some are taking a more common 1156 bulb and removing one on the posts to fit the ry10w socket. Considering you will need resistors also, I decided to that I would just go with a set of aftermarket indicators instead.
http://www.donsbulbs.com/cgi-bin/r/b.pl/ry10w~ece.html (http://www.donsbulbs.com/cgi-bin/r/b.pl/ry10w~ece.html) |