I picked up a set of Hypermotard 1100 SP cylinders & heads for a motor I am building, I am having trouble finding a set of intake manifolds that fit this head. Ducati lists it as part number, other 1000, 1100 intake manifolds I have do not fit these heads, the bolts are about 5mm further apart center to center & the port is about 1mm larger. I am trying to find used to save a few dollars but most listings say the SP is the same as standard 1000, 1100 intakes. Now I am not sure if once I get the correct intakes if they wil fit the throttle bodies or if they are also larger on the SP. I thought the SP just came factory with beter cams, does any one know of the intake differences between the models?
Would Sportsclassic manifolds fit? Just guessing as they share the same airbox.
Sport classic use the same part number as the other 1000/1100ds motors. From what I can tell looking through parts calatogs it needs to be from an 1100 evo
How did you go? Find out more info?
Still searching, evo manifolds are hard to find used. One I find those then I can see if the throttle bodies are larger. Unless someone has an evo apart they can measure the throttle bodies on. The motor is going in a 749 frame so I may have to get creative.