Title: Bar end blinkers...who's got them? Post by: CookieMonster on August 30, 2015, 08:46:18 AM Are you rocking these? I really don't know how I feel about these yet. I got mixed feelings about them.
If you got them post pix. (http://bellissimoto.com/images/MG_Disc_1.JPG) or (http://bellissimoto.com/images/Mblaze.JPG) Title: Re: Bar end blinkers...who's got them? Post by: SpikeC on August 31, 2015, 03:50:02 PM My setup precludes them, butt I think they are hot stuff! I wish I could add them to my Throttlemeister!
Title: Re: Post by: Heath on September 02, 2015, 08:49:52 PM I have the Oberons and love them. Only downside is wiring them and having wider bars. I definitely feel like they make me more noticeable.