Title: New Duc Family Post by: chipper6 on September 06, 2015, 10:15:52 PM Hi Forum,
My name is Chad and my wife's name is Ashton. We live in the south San Francisco Bay area (California US). We've both been riding for 20 years, starting in the dirt. I've had mostly Honda's, KTM's and Buells over the years with a KTM SuperDukeR completely disassembled as I type. My wife started street riding 7 years ago on a Buell Blast. With 10k miles under her belt, she finally got her dream bike, a Ducati Monster. '07 M695 Black/Red with 1847 miles... I just rode it home after the purchase since she will need some lowering mods to feel more confident in parking situations and I gotta say, I like it. We look forward to a long and healthy relationship with this Monster. :-* Title: Re: New Duc Family Post by: chipper6 on September 06, 2015, 10:22:26 PM First Fill up
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-OhRwTeAspM4/Ve0siS0OYQI/AAAAAAAASGs/vr1dYz4n7FU/w576-h432-no/2015-09-06.jpg) Title: Re: New Duc Family Post by: 1.21GW on September 07, 2015, 05:48:19 AM Welcome aboard, chipper6.
We have a few KTM-lovers posing as Duc-lovers here, so you should feel right at home. ;D Title: Re: New Duc Family Post by: ducpainter on September 07, 2015, 08:15:55 AM Welcome aboard, chipper6. I see what you did there... ;DWe have a Title: Re: New Duc Family Post by: Blackout on September 07, 2015, 12:11:09 PM Sharp looking bike. She's sure to enjoy the hell out of it more so than the Buell blast.
Title: Re: New Duc Family Post by: chipper6 on September 08, 2015, 01:43:50 AM I keep telling her she won't ever want to ride the blast again, but she wants to keep it around for commuting or loaner. I ordered a ride adjustment rod since the 695 has a fixed length one and trying to find a decent price for a low seat. Right now she can barely tip toe around the driveway and doesn't want to tip over on her first ride.... ;D
Title: Re: New Duc Family Post by: chipper6 on September 08, 2015, 01:51:01 AM I see what you did there... ;D ;D she told me make room for a dual sport so I may be able to keep one KTM floating around. [Dolph] |