Title: Is it broken or did I get lucky? Post by: CookieMonster on September 13, 2015, 06:21:35 AM Ok fellas, after over a month waiting for my levers I finally got them over the weekend. I started with the brake, easy breezy, no problem there. Then I got to the clutch and I saw that it looked a bit odd. So as I started to take the lever off and moved on to remove the pin and cylinder. I just get it a soft counter clockwise twist and it came off like nothing.
Now to me this looks like it broke off at first, but after removing the bonding cement off of the pin's threads it looks to me like the previous owner got lazy making my quest not a tough one but I need to make sure that this is what I think it is. I think that originally there was a broken piece in it and then they got a hold of a good pin and instead of removing the broken piece they just cemented the new one on. Here, take a look and tell me if you agree with me. The challenge will be removing the broken part and old cement bond. (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y121/3twenty8i/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20150913_100906_zpsdviom5il.jpg) (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/3twenty8i/media/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20150913_100906_zpsdviom5il.jpg.html) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y121/3twenty8i/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20150913_095857_zpss2g8lail.jpg) (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/3twenty8i/media/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20150913_095857_zpss2g8lail.jpg.html) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y121/3twenty8i/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20150913_095845_zpshhmkiky0.jpg) (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/3twenty8i/media/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20150913_095845_zpshhmkiky0.jpg.html) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y121/3twenty8i/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20150913_095831_zpsnwk90bmk.jpg) (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/3twenty8i/media/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20150913_095831_zpsnwk90bmk.jpg.html) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y121/3twenty8i/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20150913_095820_zpsq3hxwbs7.jpg) (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/3twenty8i/media/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20150913_095820_zpsq3hxwbs7.jpg.html) |