Title: Holtzy: frenchman Post by: Holtzy on September 20, 2015, 07:49:05 AM Hello
Take care! my english is very bad. I hope you will undertand it anyway... I live in France, near Paris I have got a W650 Kawasaki (I know, you are not interested :-X ) but I offerred last week a 620 Monster for the 60 of my wife (here, you are interrested) I hope learning a lot of things with you... Ciao ! Title: Re: Holtzy: frenchman Post by: Dochunt on September 20, 2015, 09:52:53 AM Welcome aboard.
This is the right place to learn things about Monsters. Title: Re: Holtzy: frenchman Post by: koko64 on September 24, 2015, 03:09:53 AM Welcome to this international community. [beer]