Title: Starting again, this time on a Monster S4R! Post by: Wyatterp1990 on December 03, 2015, 10:43:23 PM Hello all,
After getting into a serious accident back in July I am finally healed up enough to get back on the road. A little backstory to explain. Last April I purchased an 07 Monster 695, the only mod I did to it was to fix the fuel pump issue(wiring problem) and to paint the bike a beautiful OD Green with a custom 3%er logo on either side of the tank. I rode her from San Diego County up to San Francisco to visit my grandfather who, passed away in July. During my visit I was hit by an SUV and broke my tibia in three places. I am pleased to say that after almost 6 months recovery I am healed and ready to start riding again. Which brings me to my new adventure(The 05 Monster S4R!). I bought this bike damaged as the previous owner had laid her down. The tank is dented in heavily, the clutch cover destroyed, handlebars, headlight, taillight, right brake pedal,etc all trashed. So I bought her cheap and intend on fixing her up and getting her back on the road. My plans are to make a military inspired Monster that will leave everyone afraid of what is in their closets again. Wish me luck! Title: Re: Starting again, this time on a Monster S4R! Post by: koko64 on December 04, 2015, 12:22:01 PM Welcome.
Glad you're healed up and look forward to your build. Title: Re: Starting again, this time on a Monster S4R! Post by: Wyatterp1990 on December 04, 2015, 12:33:07 PM Thanks koko64.
I'm excited to be back in the Monster world and to have the use of my leg ha-ha. Pictures to come soon. |