Title: MSF/MANYS question Post by: luckyslevin on July 16, 2008, 04:16:48 PM so i took the Basic Riders Course a few weeks ago in June's lovely thunderstorms (didn't even lose points when i locked up both brakes!) so naturally i've been checking the mailbox everyday for the damn waiver from MANYS... anybody remember how long theirs took? website says 3-6 weeks, really hope it's sooner than later... don't understand why NYS is sofa king slow... other states just give u your waiver when you pass the test. i really can't wait to not have to call my buddies for rides.
Title: Re: MSF/MANYS question Post by: ricol on July 16, 2008, 04:27:26 PM it took mine three weeks before i got from the mail. really slow but it will come.
Title: Re: MSF/MANYS question Post by: mookieo2 on July 16, 2008, 04:52:14 PM took mine in june of last year and I got it in the middle of august
Title: Re: MSF/MANYS question Post by: R.J. on July 16, 2008, 07:19:33 PM I took the road test first (passed) and then took the MSF for that reason. I received the completion papers almost six weeks after completing the MSF [roll].
FYI, three people fell with one of them falling twice and still passed. I know most people who take it have limited experience but some of them shouldn't have received waivers. Then again, anyone with a pulse can pass the road test. Title: Re: MSF/MANYS question Post by: univox on July 17, 2008, 06:07:25 AM Mine only took 2 weeks to show up, but it was early in the season (May 07) and was told during the course that MANYS was processing them much faster than normal with people receiving their paper work as soon as a week after completion. Guess they start getting swamped as the season goes on. ???
Title: Re: MSF/MANYS question Post by: 749 Darko on July 17, 2008, 06:41:36 AM I took my course 4th of July weekend ages ago, got it in the mail approx 3 weeks later, was at the DMV that same morning ;D
Title: Re: MSF/MANYS question Post by: luckyslevin on July 17, 2008, 01:27:18 PM well it's been about 3 weeks... so hopefully in the next couple of days would be nice... thanks for the feedback guys... waiting is horrible especially with the weather lately... i started riding overseas & didn't need to wait over there for any licensing... why so slow new york?