Title: SpeedyMoto Risers for S2R Post by: alienfocus on July 16, 2008, 05:08:09 PM I have seriously searched high and low for pics on these installed on ANY S2R/S4R bike as well as users input if they help comfort and have struck out in my searches. So...does anyone have these risers on their bike? Have pics perhaps? I have an 06 S2R800 and need to raise the bar a bit as my hands are getting a bit numb and i am 6ft 4....have read from other tall owners these help greatly. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
__________________ COMMON SENSE....IS NOT VERY COMMON Title: Re: SpeedyMoto Risers for S2R Post by: stopintime on July 16, 2008, 06:25:49 PM I'm useless with the camera and picture-posting, but I have those and I'm your height.
They make my riding much more comfortable, they are very well built and they transform the look of that area 8) I had no issues with cables or hoses, just rotated the banjo bolts (to be sure the hoses don't get pinched) where they sit on the reservoirs. You can do so without leakage if you only loosen them enough to rotate. What I have discovered is that even though the added height is good, maybe as important is the sweep angle (or lack of) of the stock bars. Leaning forward is not such a problem if your weight is on a bar that allows the wrist to stay straight/natural. This can to some degree be achieved by rotating the bars when you put on the risers. Take your time to find out which way and how much rotation will suit you. Adjust/rotate the levers, to where they allow for a natural grip, afterwards. An even better option MIGHT be the Rizoma bars. They have about an inch of rise AND they have the sweep back effect that could be what you (and I?) need for comfort (=safety). They are on my maybe-list, even though they would eliminate my very cool SpeedyMoto risers. I know I need sweep back because my elbows have to point a little outwards in order to straighten out/comfort the wrists. In it's turn that leads to shoulder neck pain and reduced mirror vision backwards (elbows fill up much of the rear view). Hope this helps more than it confuses you ;) Title: Re: SpeedyMoto Risers for S2R Post by: M900 on July 16, 2008, 06:49:34 PM An even better option MIGHT be the Rizoma bars. They have about an inch of rise AND they have the sweep back effect are the rizonmas lower than stock? Title: Re: SpeedyMoto Risers for S2R Post by: stopintime on July 16, 2008, 06:58:27 PM are the rizonmas lower than stock? No, they have about an inch of rise built in, compared to stock. Cost is about $ 110, various colors, and they can be bought from MonsterParts or PJsParts. VERY good service at both vendors. Title: Re: SpeedyMoto Risers for S2R Post by: CairnsDuc on July 16, 2008, 07:10:43 PM I have the speedymoto risers on my S2R 800 and have been very happy with the difference it has made.
I assume they are the same as the one's listed in your link (Your link is not working) I have pics in my Photobucket gallery, just click the link in my Sig line and have a look Hope this helps. [bacon] Title: Re: SpeedyMoto Risers for S2R Post by: alienfocus on July 16, 2008, 07:48:10 PM I have the speedymoto risers on my S2R 800 and have been very happy with the difference it has made. I assume they are the same as the one's listed in your link (Your link is not working) I have pics in my Photobucket gallery, just click the link in my Sig line and have a look Hope this helps. [bacon] THANK YOU!!!!! I will be getting a set of the black ones for sure...those are hot [thumbsup] [thumbsup]...and by the way...DuCATI is a super cute kittie [moto] Title: Re: SpeedyMoto Risers for S2R Post by: CairnsDuc on July 16, 2008, 10:14:49 PM He's a fat little Kittie now, He wanders from shop to shop in the Complex my Dealer is based in and everyone gives him there left over lunch, 10 points to the little bugger, he's learnt to work the system! :D
He heads back to the showroom after lunch and curls up and goes to sleep in air conditioned comfort on the store couch and no one is allowed to disturb him. Tough life! :) Title: Re: SpeedyMoto Risers for S2R Post by: Capo on July 17, 2008, 01:58:35 PM These are the risers from Desmoworld fitted to a Speedy Moto top triple, the bars are ABM also from Desmoworld.
(http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm143/Tarugo996/P1000417.jpg) (http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm143/Tarugo996/P1000419.jpg) Title: Re: SpeedyMoto Risers for S2R Post by: hay13 on July 17, 2008, 02:38:08 PM I'm not 6ft 4 but at 6ft my hands get numb during long rides. I've tried different bar ends hoping that adding weight might reduce vibration. Didn't!
So now I'm thinking about risers and both Speedymoto and Desmoworld look good. If I may add to this thread... any other options out there? I didn't consider replacing the handlebars until reading this. At first glace it seems that changing out the risers would be the quickest thing to do. Title: Re: SpeedyMoto Risers for S2R Post by: hay13 on July 17, 2008, 02:42:10 PM I know I need sweep back because my elbows have to point a little outwards in order to straighten out/comfort the wrists. In it's turn that leads to shoulder neck pain and reduced mirror vision backwards (elbows fill up much of the rear view). Small world. I just replied on another thread to you about the very same thing. Elbows! At least at 70mph + now I have a clear view of mine. The stockers would vibrate so bad I couldn't tell if I had a cop car or a Yugo behind me. |