Title: Twin Turbo Diesel AWD Post by: kopfjäger on February 12, 2016, 05:39:38 PM [evil]
http://youtu.be/humZvaGnlsw (http://youtu.be/humZvaGnlsw) Title: Re: Twin Turbo Diesel AWD Post by: NAKID on February 12, 2016, 05:45:44 PM I hope he does something so he doesn't die inhaling all of that exhaust!
Title: Re: Twin Turbo Diesel AWD Post by: kopfjäger on February 12, 2016, 06:15:02 PM http://youtu.be/NJP2GKPj4KE (http://youtu.be/NJP2GKPj4KE)
Title: Re: Twin Turbo Diesel AWD Post by: SpikeC on February 13, 2016, 01:05:32 PM I think he needs to rethink the exhaust.....
It might be good for going somewhere in a snow storm, butt other than that??? Title: Re: Twin Turbo Diesel AWD Post by: Rameses on February 13, 2016, 04:33:56 PM I hope he does something so he doesn't die inhaling all of that exhaust! He needs to solve his over-fueling issue and everything'll be okay. Title: Re: Twin Turbo Diesel AWD Post by: NAKID on February 15, 2016, 11:52:00 AM He needs to solve his over-fueling issue and everything'll be okay. I disagree that that's the only issue. Sure, that needs to be addressed so he isn't dumping excess fuel or "rolling coal". But because of the soot he's releasing, it shows the path of the exhaust gasses, which includes CO. He needs a proper exhaust system to move the gasses behind him so he doesn't die... Title: Re: Twin Turbo Diesel AWD Post by: Rameses on February 15, 2016, 07:29:57 PM I disagree that that's the only issue. Sure, that needs to be addressed so he isn't dumping excess fuel or "rolling coal". But because of the soot he's releasing, it shows the path of the exhaust gasses, which includes CO. He needs a proper exhaust system to move the gasses behind him so he doesn't die... I doubt he's really breathing much of it. The exhaust dumps behind his leg. I think it's getting pulled up into the low pressure area of turbulence behind his back. Probably isn't really getting to his face much. Title: Re: Twin Turbo Diesel AWD Post by: He Man on February 16, 2016, 11:04:40 AM I dont think theres much, but CO doesnt circulate well, it sticks to the hemoglobin i think and if you ride long enough, it will accumulate. His wife must hate washing his clothes tho.
Title: Re: Twin Turbo Diesel AWD Post by: Slide Panda on February 16, 2016, 11:55:33 AM Yeah, with as much clever going on there, he does need to devote a bit more of it to the exhaust.
Like Kui said, CO can build up in your system over prolonged exposure - even low level. No bueno. His wife must hate washing his clothes tho. Stinking like that, you think he's got one? |