Title: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: Flyboy767 on March 05, 2016, 08:11:51 AM Wife and I are visiting a friend in Los Angeles end of March and I want to do a day ride preferably some nice, twisty roads the ends up at a decent place for lunch and then back. I'm renting a Ducati in LA. Any suggestions?
Cheers, Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: Dirty Duc on March 05, 2016, 08:36:02 AM Depends on what you mean by "LA."
Locals call the whole urban sprawl by that name when speaking to the rest of America. Your general start point will dictate what is a reasonable ride. Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: lawbreaker on March 05, 2016, 08:36:11 AM Visit ProItalia.... enjoy the eye candy and possibly shop for some goodies. Then from there ride Highway 2... aka THE CREST ! Ride up the Crest (Hwy 2) to Newcombs Ranch, have lunch/brunch whatever, chat with fellow motorcycle nuts then ride back
Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: lawbreaker on March 05, 2016, 08:39:24 AM If you're getting a bike from Rent-a-Ducati, chat with Dave about rides based on your location... maybe you'll want to ride Malibu and visit "the snake" which is good but theres better roads off Mulholland which Dave can tell you about.
Or perhaps you can hook up with some LADOC folks and join in on a ride !! [thumbsup] Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: Flyboy767 on March 05, 2016, 09:10:11 AM Awesome suggestions!!! Yes, I am renting from rent-a-Ducati so I'll check with Dave also. Thank you and keep it coming!!
Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: Speeddog on March 05, 2016, 09:11:36 AM Where are you starting from?
Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: Flyboy767 on March 05, 2016, 09:18:04 AM We are staying in Redondo so it will be from the rent-a-Ducati in Los Angeles
12971 W Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90066 Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: eric on March 07, 2016, 05:36:25 PM There's a couple loops in here. The one to the west (Pacific Coast Highway, Mulholland/Snake, Encinal) is a better ride but the one to the east (Hollywood hills) isn't too bad either, with views of the San Fernando valley and gets up close to the Hollywood Sign).
https://goo.gl/maps/2cKmDSMpoZK2 (https://goo.gl/maps/2cKmDSMpoZK2) Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: lawbreaker on March 08, 2016, 06:28:58 AM My typical start of the ride through the hills of Malibu :
gas up at PCH and Sunset- happens to be the usual "meet-up" spot for LOTS of riders. From PCH, head north to Las Flores Canyon road.. turn right. Take Las Flores to to Rambla Pacifico where you'll make a right and head up for a short distance then make another right on Schueren take Schueren all the way to the overlook... stop and enjoy the view !.. Then damn near make a u-turn and take Stunt all the way to Mulholland.... Go right on Mulholland. From Mulholland and Stunt, i'd say head to the Rock Store.... cuz everyone does. Its not always open so check their hours if you want to eat there. Ride "The Snake" which is just a small section of mulholland past the Rock Store. Take mulholland to Kanan-Dume road.... heres where you have even more choices ! You can continue on Mulholland to some other nice roads... Or you can turn left on Kanan-Dume road and turn left on... LATIGO CANYON ROAD Latigo is tight and twisty... Fantastic [thumbsup] I'd say if you follow those directions as a start you certainly won't be disappointed.. You can thank me later ;D ;D Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: Flyboy767 on March 08, 2016, 01:19:11 PM Great suggestions!!! Thank you very much all, I will post the ride notes later.
Cheers!!!! Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: Duck-Stew on March 08, 2016, 03:28:30 PM If you want to ride through a PILE of people in cars and on bikes, do any of the canyons between Hwy 1 & the 101.
If you want to get away from 'it all', do California Highway 2 up to Newcombs Ranch, do lunch/food/whatever & then ride back. Hit Pro Italia on the way back and not the way up. You can lose time at Pro Italia which takes away from CA Hwy 2. Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: Flyboy767 on March 10, 2016, 08:19:22 AM Just looked at CA2 and it looks awesome!!! I'm doing it on a Wednesday so hopefully not too many people up in the mountains. Thanks!!!
Title: Re: Suggestions for a day trip-Los Angeles Post by: lawbreaker on March 14, 2016, 06:30:42 PM As long as you go through Malibu during the week, you're all good... weekends, the "Snake" has by FAR the heaviest traffic...