Title: New M695 Owner Post by: metzy on March 19, 2016, 05:59:12 PM (http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160320/4b1678de454420758c102b380a3c4e61.jpg)
After years of putting it off I got lucky with this low kms 2006 M695 from a fellow expat leaving Hong Kong. I haven't ridden in over 20 years and feel like I'm reclaiming some youth every time I press the ignition! Since the purchase in January I've been following this forum and have been thoroughly impressed with the sense of community and support especially since I prefer to work on my bike myself as much as possible. Sadly the previous owner kept this machine outside, so my first mission was a full degrease, clean and polish. I had a mechanic check the timing belts, air filter and fuel lines. I've swapped out the stock (read heavy) pipe for some carbon and replaced the mirrors. Will be doing a tail chop next. Recently some punk moved my bike and snapped the choke lever! I've found this replacement control switch on eBay for a 2007 S2R: https://www.ebay.com.hk/ulk/itm/252293260452 (https://www.ebay.com.hk/ulk/itm/252293260452) Does anyone know if it will fit my 2006 M695? Thanks a tonne. Title: Re: New M695 Owner Post by: stopintime on March 20, 2016, 02:26:41 AM Congratulation with the new found youth and a great bike [thumbsup]
You can find and check part numbers on Ducati.com > Dealers and services > Maintenance If you go to DucatiOmaha > OEM Parts you'll be able to even find the prices. The answers you'll find is that this part is the same on S2R 800 and 695 ;) ... and that the price for a new switch gear is ~$79 BTW: it's not a choke, it's a fast idle lever 8) Title: Re: New M695 Owner Post by: koko64 on March 20, 2016, 02:31:27 AM Welcome [beer].
Title: Re: New M695 Owner Post by: Charlie98 on March 20, 2016, 06:24:10 AM Congrats on the new bike!
I was off the street, more or less, for the last 10 years... with the Monster, I've forgotten how much fun it is to ride, and how much I missed it. Looks like your bike is in decent shape, besides being parked outside... shouldn't take much! Title: Re: New M695 Owner Post by: metzy on March 24, 2016, 07:14:57 PM Really appreciate your detailed reply @stopintime and clarification of part name 😎 Will follow up your leads