Title: Which lower triples fit 2001 M900sie? Post by: TelemarkSean on March 24, 2016, 11:55:48 AM I'm so confused. Some say lower triples are common to all monsters and ST bikes from the 2001 XXXie to 2008. Example: speedymoto has a lower triple that fits all monsters and ST bikes up to 2008. Some say you can only use the triples from the pre-2001 monsters.
Part # is 34290131A which is common to most 93-2001 monsters. For the ST bikes, they list the lower yoke and steering pin as separate parts so the part numbers are not the same. What are my options for used/OEM replacements my lower triple? (which I broke and we're not gonna talk about how) Thanks. Title: Re: Which lower triples fit 2001 M900sie? Post by: Howie on March 24, 2016, 01:25:44 PM 2001 and older Monsters use the same triple with the exception of the S4. Easier, all monsters with the hoop rear suspension use the same triple.
Title: Re: Which lower triples fit 2001 M900sie? Post by: TelemarkSean on March 24, 2016, 01:44:51 PM Any idea whether the S4 or ST2,3,4 lower triples will fit? I know the part #s are not the same but I think the geometry might be.
I mostly ask because these parts are newer and easier/cheaper for me to get. Title: Re: Which lower triples fit 2001 M900sie? Post by: Howie on March 24, 2016, 02:18:21 PM They will not fit, different frames.