Title: New to Ducati Traded in The GS 1200, stepped 1200 Monster, really happy about it Post by: aaajn on April 01, 2016, 03:58:45 AM Hello from Charleston, SC
Riding on and off for about 25 years Retired military Every day I ride the Monster I am reminded how great this bike is, looks, feels, everything about. Not something you see everyday. The GS has taken great care of me, trips to the Arctic Circle, PCH, Key West among other epic journeys but I felt a need to change. Came across the Ducati Monster in a small Alaska town about 10 years ago. Guy pulled up in in the gas station, got out, got gas, we chatted for a few and left. Always thought they were works of art, test drove one, very different experience. Here are some details, 55 year old middle aged, old white dude. Not looking for a mid life crisis fix, just don't feel like riding around on a giraffe anymore. I love the look and feel of the Ducati. I will never ride the thing near the edge of its envelop. Don't need that. ATGATT guy. Took it around the block when I got home, immediately knew it was right.http://[img][/img] Title: Re: New to Ducati Traded in The GS 1200, stepped 1200 Monster, really happy about it Post by: ungeheuer on April 19, 2016, 07:44:55 PM Sounds like you've had some adventures. Welcome along to this one [thumbsup]
Title: Re: New to Ducati Traded in The GS 1200, stepped 1200 Monster, really happy about it Post by: koko64 on April 19, 2016, 08:41:20 PM [thumbsup]. Welcome!