Title: New rider on an old model M900ie Post by: Goldensmile on April 14, 2016, 03:56:21 AM New to the Ducati community
Living in the inner suburb of annandale in the city of Sydney Australia Been riding bikes of all kinds since the 70s I usually ride alone and like to go pretty hard Recently test rode an older 2002 M900ie with very low klms and really liked the balance of power to weight...can't wait to throw it around some of my favorite turns. I'm competent with the tools and will do most of the work unless time is a problem. Down for any meaningful talk in the advice dept. .. could use some good advice on the pros n cons of an older 2002 model 900ie monster. All the best Goldensmiler Title: Re: New rider on an old model M750 Post by: koko64 on April 14, 2016, 04:12:33 AM Welcome [beer].
Title: Re: New rider on an old model M750 Post by: Goldensmile on April 14, 2016, 04:48:09 AM [beer] thanks man. ..