Title: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: tricolore on July 17, 2008, 06:18:55 PM I have decided to but a full DP System, Can I save some coin by installing myself. I assume that by installing the ECU, Filter and system it should be all pre set?
Has anyone done it at home? Will I need it to be tuned/trim adjustment? Any Advice? Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: jesse370 on July 17, 2008, 07:28:12 PM you can do everything yourself but I'm almost positive you have to get like the throttle bodies sync'd or something like that and the chip tuned. But doing everything else will save you a bunch of labor. But the tune you will need to get it to run ideally. I had all that done before I got my Rs and yes its worth every freaking penny.
Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: darkduke on July 18, 2008, 05:12:29 AM If your nearest dealer isn't too far away I say go for it dude [thumbsup] I've messed around with my exhaust a lot and installed a DP ECU and it's really not that bad. Just take your time and have some patience. The only thing is after you get it all put together and install the ECU you need to take it to a dealer to have the trim and throttle position senser set. Otherwise it's not gonna run very well.
And remember to unhook the battery while you install the ECU Good luck [beer] Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: jesse370 on July 18, 2008, 07:44:15 AM yeah thats what it was called....I knew the dealer had to do something to the bike
Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: Statler on July 18, 2008, 11:54:17 AM with some patience and a beer you can get the cans to line up too...most techs have neither...but it can be done.
mmmmmmmmmmm... bundle of snakes...mmmmmmmmm (http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd110/grumpylawyer/VIR059.jpg?t=1216410788) Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: Spider on July 18, 2008, 02:14:35 PM yep!
and it's fantastic experience too! but...the dealer has to be pretty close because the ride over is going to be a bit harsh. Then the dealer sets up the bike on the DDS computer system and you're away. It's very good fun and I've got some instructions from Dragonworld that I can forward to you. Spider Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: slim_grizzy on July 18, 2008, 11:46:03 PM How much is it having the dealer do the work?
Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: Spider on July 19, 2008, 01:43:53 AM How much is it having the dealer do the work? sometimes it's not about the money - it is about looking at your bike and thinking - I made that mine! my bike isn't going to be 'bike of the week' anytime soon - it's very unoriginal - just stock with money thrown at it with bits of 'bling' - but when I look at I think of how I altered the bike to what I see. Installing a brake lever last night was a blast - and the feeling I got the day before putting on carbon belt covers was cool too - just getting into the bike. The exhaust is so much fun - you're wrestling (with Termignonis anyway) with steel ! and imagine when people ask you what you did on the weekend - mate, just fitted a complete exhaust system onto the Ducati....I mean that is just so frickin manly and cool. go slow and enjoy I say! mmmmmmmmmmm... bundle of snakes...mmmmmmmmm fantastic picture and great title... [thumbsup] the lower pipe - which comes from the rear cyclinder...where does that connect and will that be easy for Tricolore to get to? Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: tricolore on July 19, 2008, 01:46:11 AM I was quoted AU$430, Given exchange rates its about US$415. I have seen threads were you guys in the US pay significantly less (sometimes it is about the money).
But then again we pay more for everything here, $26k to buy the thing compared to $15-16k ??? Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: Spider on July 20, 2008, 06:20:04 PM Stephen, that's a lot of frickin money! - the trim part alone should be less than $100 of that.
why not ask Chris / Sydmonster to help you if he's near - he is right handy when it comes to tools - and then give him a little cash/slab of beer/ date with your beautiful sister/etc. Spider Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: tricolore on July 22, 2008, 03:12:43 AM Stephen, that's a lot of frickin money! - the trim part alone should be less than $100 of that. Thats right spider, I reckon its a rort. If not for the trim of the system I would not even ask the question, reasonably handy with a spanner myself. Its just the tuning I am not so sure about, given I don't have the technology or equipment. I might check with Mattyvas and some of the other Syd fellas to see if they have had dealings with other local vendors who are not duc dealers.why not ask Chris / Sydmonster to help you if he's near - he is right handy when it comes to tools - and then give him a little cash/slab of beer/ date with your beautiful sister/etc. Spider Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: Spider on July 22, 2008, 11:03:33 AM I finally got mine properly trimmed after riding her sub-par for 4 weeks since the swap over! she is magnificent!
I agree - do everything you can - then get them to do the parts where you don't have the machines/computers/equipment. Termi installation is more art than science - there is wrestling involved - and you are going to have more patience than a mechanic (although it is winter so they are quiet I've found!). I'd recommend booking in with your tuner/dyno expert for the Monday and then starting on the Friday - complete removal - then installation on Saturday and final tweaking on Sunday (I used a circular file to take out some of the rearset for a nicer (rub free) fit etc. Just an hour each day and take it slowly. Best of luck. Let's hope you have this done within 10 days, eh? Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: tricolore on August 05, 2008, 10:41:06 PM Well, Install is complete. Now just have to wrestle the thing to the shop for tuning. It is a pig to ride, runs very rich ATM but really looking forward to a fair - dinkum ride.
Thanks to all for the input. P.S Can someone tell me if there is supposed to be a soft mount for the top bracket to the frame? There does not appear to be one with the kit, am I missing something or did I do it wrong? No left over bits but I just cant imagine that the bracket bolts directly to the frame. Please help. Title: Re: S4RS Termi Kit Install - Can I do it? Post by: Statler on August 06, 2008, 08:12:45 AM If I recall (I'm at work...bike isn't).. the top mount bolt threads right into the frame tab there for it. Don't recall if there's a soft washer or not...(I think not)...certainly could add one.
More importantly, put a nylock nut on the inside of it though, as one person has had that part vibrate out and lost the cans at high speed already. |