Title: Termignoni Silencers S4R/S2R no midpipe Post by: Quack on May 18, 2016, 05:19:46 PM hi,
I recently acquired these cans (see picture), but no midpipe. Is there anything I can do with these without midpipe? I have a 2005 S2R 800 with cored Ducati silencers. (http://i67.tinypic.com/10p26x5.jpg) Title: Re: Termignoni Silencers S4R/S2R no midpipe Post by: stopintime on May 19, 2016, 01:00:04 AM Have you measured/tested and found that your stock S-pipes don't fit? (I don't think they do, but have never looked into it myself)
If you end up with no use for them, I'm interested :) Title: Re: Termignoni Silencers S4R/S2R no midpipe Post by: Quack on May 19, 2016, 02:41:00 AM Stock pipes are 40mm, these are 45 mm. I found Arrows pipes, thinking maybe they fit, but they are 50 mm. http://motowheels.com/i-20918483-arrow-2-into-2-mid-pipe-for-stock-collectors-monster-s4r-s2r-800-1000.html (http://motowheels.com/i-20918483-arrow-2-into-2-mid-pipe-for-stock-collectors-monster-s4r-s2r-800-1000.html)
I'm currently in the US, that's where I found them, bike is home in Poland, that's where I'm heading in June. I can probably have local muffler shop manufacture 45 mm pipe? Can I? These are in great shape. Title: Re: Termignoni Silencers S4R/S2R no midpipe Post by: stopintime on May 19, 2016, 02:51:32 AM No you can't.
They are worthless to you. = give them to me ;D ************ It shouldn't be to hard to make S-pipes [thumbsup] If you decide not to, I'm here for you ;) Title: Re: Termignoni Silencers S4R/S2R no midpipe Post by: Quack on May 19, 2016, 03:06:51 AM But is it completely OK to do it? I mean cat box will still be there. From what I know originally this kit came with open box air filter and ECU, but my guess is that it doesn't really matter since cat box is still there?
I paid 180 USD for these, I will haul them back home, I'll see over there what I want to do with these. Shipping to Norway shouldn't be a problem, they are very light...if I won't find any use of them, you can have them for what I paid for them plus shipping to Norway. [evil] Title: Re: Termignoni Silencers S4R/S2R no midpipe Post by: stopintime on May 19, 2016, 03:21:01 AM The Euro2 S2R800 from '05 and '06 are a litlle more generous with the fuel and flexible enough to allow slip ons without running too lean.
Adding de-cat mid pipes and open air box lid will usually require a tune (Power Commander or reflash), but not with just slip ons. Please keep the tread updated or PM me if you decide to sell. (I'll go over 180) Are there any engravings on the steel bands? What do they say? Title: Re: Termignoni Silencers S4R/S2R no midpipe Post by: Quack on May 19, 2016, 04:38:53 AM Of course, I will keep you posted.
There is engraved sign that says only for racing or not for racing use...I'm not sure. I don't have them with me, I'm at work, I can confirm engravings later in the afternoon. Let me know your email, so I will send you better pictures. These I can send in few. Thanks for all the information. Title: Re: Termignoni Silencers S4R/S2R no midpipe Post by: SpikeC on May 19, 2016, 09:08:36 AM I would think that a simple 40 to 45 mm adapter would be very easy to come by and do the job.
Title: Re: Termignoni Silencers S4R/S2R no midpipe Post by: Quack on May 19, 2016, 12:48:30 PM I would think that a simple 40 to 45 mm adapter would be very easy to come by and do the job. That's what I'm thinking too.. thanks for the help. |