Title: LEo Vince SBK GP EVOII Post by: mogli1911 on July 13, 2016, 09:57:55 AM Ladies and Gents!
After making my mind up on purchasing an SC Project slip on for my 796, a video clip of LV SBK GP exhaust popped up in my screen. After researching the internet all morning, I came across some sites that "has" them but not in stock. I contacted Leo Vince via email about the product (and hopefully I can get one). Does any of you know any dealer(s) that are selling them? And if you are a dealer, I'm in a market for a set! Thanks in advance ladies and gentlemen! Title: Re: LEo Vince SBK GP EVOII Post by: koko64 on July 14, 2016, 05:19:53 AM You could try the forum sponsors and see if they can get them in for you.