Title: Panigale to Monster 1200?! Post by: Panzer on July 23, 2016, 07:14:43 PM Hey guys, I used to ride an Aprilia Shiver 750 naked bike and I loved that as well for spirited backroads and touring but track-wise, it left something to be desired.
(http://i.imgur.com/hZ81hCm.png?1) I'm currently riding a Ducati Panigale 899 and I love it. On country roads and mountain passes she's composed and rides like a dream. The Panigale is a track tool and performs on the edge like a razor. On rides longer than 4 hours she's quite painful and for daily commuting she's a bit brutal in city traffic and summer heat. (http://i.imgur.com/XZwim1hh.jpg?1) I'm planning on moving to a Ducati Monster 1200 S or R and purchasing the Corbin seat with Passenger Backrest. - I do find the R upgrades to the wheels, suspension, and engine as worth it. - Will the Monster R fit the Monster S seat? I know the R has a slimmer tail so I'm unsure if this affects the aftermarket seat options which is a "make it or break it" deal with the R-spec. - How is the tank range between both the R and the S models? I'm sure that extra torque and horsepower doesn't come without a price at the pump. - The Monster S is faster on the drag strip than the Monster R?! Title: Re: Panigale to Monster 1200?! Post by: ducpainter on July 24, 2016, 03:39:17 AM Welcome.
You'd do better to break your questions out and post them in a separate thread in the General forum. Title: Re: Panigale to Monster 1200?! Post by: Panzer on July 24, 2016, 04:43:06 AM thanks for the tip : )