Title: My first ducati project. Post by: voodoo151 on July 27, 2016, 10:49:52 PM Alright guys, first time so Dont destroy me if this is in the wrong thread please.
Just bought a 2001 Monster 750 This weekend I am attempting my first tail chop to clean up the rear, changing mirrors and doing a general evaluation of my bike. This is my first bike besides dirt bikes, so if any people have advise for my specific monster or things to check please share. Also Ideas welcome History on the bike, Daily rider, 28,000 miles, mechanically sound, mature rider Thanks guys...... Title: Re: My first ducati project. Post by: koko64 on July 27, 2016, 11:30:38 PM Welcome again. This thread will probably be moved to Accessories and Mods. Try the search function to look up threads on the mods you are considering. [thumbsup]
Cheers. Title: Re: My first ducati project. Post by: voodoo151 on July 28, 2016, 01:00:35 AM thanks man, appreciate it
Title: Re: My first ducati project. Post by: Howie on July 28, 2016, 03:41:15 AM If your timing belts are more than two years old change them.
Title: Re: My first ducati project. Post by: Pinion on July 28, 2016, 06:52:52 AM Welcome, a great site. congrats on your bike. Looking forward to see what you come up with.
2nd the belt change, I would just do it no matter, too much to risk. Title: Re: My first ducati project. Post by: d3vi@nt on July 28, 2016, 06:40:58 PM Just bought a 2001 Monster 750 Let me be the first to say... Pics, or it didn't happen. ;) |