Title: Philadelphia Monster Emerges from the Shadows Post by: OrganicPanic on August 11, 2016, 06:24:19 AM Name:
JB Location: Just inside city limits of Philadelphia, PA USA (19118) Bikes: 2002 Ducati Monster M750ie 2000 Suzuki DR650 1995 KTM RXC/EGS 400 (for sale) 1989 Suzuki GSX-R 750 (sold) 1982 Yamaha XZ550 Vision (sold) Riding Experience: Been riding since about '94 Rode the GXSR from Eugene, OR to Davis, CA (and back) Twice took the KTM from Philly to Maine & back via mix of off-road / dirt / gravel / back roads. Rode the DR to Maine & back. I've taken MSF courses several times and highly recommend them, not only as a way to refocus skills, but to share riding experience with newer riders. Other: I signed up to DMF a while back when I started considering a Monster. I finally just bought a used monster. It's running, but still needs some tinkering. I will probably be asking a lot of questions, so please bear with me. If you are in the neighborhood let's meet up for a ride. I can also be found on ADVRider if you're ever over there. (http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac3/Filterthejunk/4536F5A4-42DD-4E67-B3F2-F67BBB7F6FD6_zpshim9aokw.jpg) Title: Re: Philadelphia Monster Emerges from the Shadows Post by: DarkMonster620 on August 11, 2016, 06:35:00 AM Welcome . . .
Nice bike |