Title: MotoGP Documentary "Hitting the Apex" rental for $1 on Amazon Post by: thought on August 14, 2016, 02:35:51 PM Not sure if you all have seen this but it's on Amazon for rental at $!. Just watched it, a fun watch especially if you liked his older stuff, Faster, and Fastest. A more well rounded film vs the other two which were more about Rossi than anyone else. I preferred Ewan Mcgegor's narration but Pitt was good enough.
Well worth the $1 rental imo https://www.amazon.com/Hitting-Apex-Brad-Pitt/dp/B01INWJ0ZC/?tag=slicinc-20&ascsubtag=d3da48d2626e11e69a9e661fbe3e6c700INT (https://www.amazon.com/Hitting-Apex-Brad-Pitt/dp/B01INWJ0ZC/?tag=slicinc-20&ascsubtag=d3da48d2626e11e69a9e661fbe3e6c700INT) Title: Re: MotoGP Documentary "Hitting the Apex" rental for $1 on Amazon Post by: Greg on August 20, 2016, 08:18:19 AM Found this free online somewhere - sorry cannot remember where, but it was worth watching and I thoroughly enjoyed it.