My GPR carbon fiber exhausts on my 01' Monster 900 are sounding pretty shot after 15,000 or so miles. I was wondering if you guys knew of the best material I could get to have them repacked? Cheaper is better if its all the same stuff, but I'm happy to pay more for quality. I'll be having a pro install it, just need to know what to order.
I've used this, or something very much like it: (
Moose for me too [thumbsup] I've not tried other brands, so could be Equal for all I know...
Done it twice (50-60 K km between) and the result was smoother running and the sound changed for the better IMO.
The reduced heat is probably good for the carbon sleeves too.
Thanks for the input. Do you all know anything out there about the pre-formed pillow style packing like this? (
I got lucky when I opened my exhaust up to chop it that I didn't need new packing. Besides Moose I was always curious about Acousta-Fil. They have a couple different products. One is a blanket type and another is a boa type. Both are compact and expand once heated. They are supposed to make installing a lot easier because the material stays compact. Then you run the bike and the heat melts the string holding packing and everything expands.