Title: Repacking mufflers Post by: brecchi on August 22, 2016, 07:26:45 PM My GPR carbon fiber exhausts on my 01' Monster 900 are sounding pretty shot after 15,000 or so miles. I was wondering if you guys knew of the best material I could get to have them repacked? Cheaper is better if its all the same stuff, but I'm happy to pay more for quality. I'll be having a pro install it, just need to know what to order.
Thanks! Title: Re: Repacking mufflers Post by: Ddan on August 23, 2016, 03:37:46 PM I've used this, or something very much like it:
http://shop.valleymotorsports.com/catalog_product_detail.asp?cat_9516-63785_product_1938948.MOOSE_RACING_UNIVERSAL_STAINLE.htm (http://shop.valleymotorsports.com/catalog_product_detail.asp?cat_9516-63785_product_1938948.MOOSE_RACING_UNIVERSAL_STAINLE.htm) Title: Re: Repacking mufflers Post by: stopintime on August 23, 2016, 03:51:38 PM Moose for me too [thumbsup] I've not tried other brands, so could be Equal for all I know...
Done it twice (50-60 K km between) and the result was smoother running and the sound changed for the better IMO. The reduced heat is probably good for the carbon sleeves too. (http://i329.photobucket.com/albums/l394/stopintime/DSC00168.jpg) Title: Re: Repacking mufflers Post by: brecchi on August 23, 2016, 07:49:51 PM Thanks for the input. Do you all know anything out there about the pre-formed pillow style packing like this? http://www.partsgiant.com/p339046-moose-spec-31-muffler-packing-pillow (http://www.partsgiant.com/p339046-moose-spec-31-muffler-packing-pillow)
Title: Re: Repacking mufflers Post by: Heath on August 29, 2016, 10:46:00 PM I got lucky when I opened my exhaust up to chop it that I didn't need new packing. Besides Moose I was always curious about Acousta-Fil. They have a couple different products. One is a blanket type and another is a boa type. Both are compact and expand once heated. They are supposed to make installing a lot easier because the material stays compact. Then you run the bike and the heat melts the string holding packing and everything expands.