Title: Name that item. Post by: Hollisatp1 on August 24, 2016, 06:37:24 AM Hey all. I'm a newer owner here. Can someone tell me what this item is, what it is for and can it be moved/relocated?
It is on the right side of the bike in the frame above the motor. Black round item. Has 2 wires. On goes up and one goes down. Looks like a little electric motor? I'd post a pic but I'm on my phone and don't see the option. Title: Re: Name that item. Post by: Dirty Duc on August 24, 2016, 06:54:09 AM Starter solenoid. It actually has 4 wires. Two big ones carry 12V in from the battery and out to the starter. Two little ones carry the signal from the starter button (or the ECU, depending on what year your bike is) to the solenoid.
A solenoid is basically a heavy duty relay. It can be moved, but where else would you put it? Longer runs of main wire will affect the voltage at the starter and could conceivably shorten it's life. Title: Re: Name that item. Post by: Hollisatp1 on August 24, 2016, 08:23:16 AM Ok. Thank so for the info. It is in just a bad spot. Curious to know if others have moved it? Or if there is an aftermarket item?
Title: Re: Name that item. Post by: Slide Panda on August 24, 2016, 11:00:39 AM It can be moved, just mind that the mount does damp some vibration. So you might want to consider that.
But, all you need is to have the two large leads - one from the battery to the solenoid and one from the solenoid to the starter motor. And then the two small, which are terminated with a plug connected up at the end. Creating custom length cables and wires might be needed. But there's no reason you couldn't Title: Re: Name that item. Post by: Hollisatp1 on August 24, 2016, 02:15:43 PM Got it. Has anyone done this?
Title: Re: Name that item. Post by: Speeddog on August 24, 2016, 05:03:58 PM I moved mine up next to the battery on my '98 M750.
I'm running an Ignitech and a Shorai battery, so there's lots more room there than OEM. |