Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => SoCal Monsters => Topic started by: NAKID on August 29, 2016, 11:03:43 AM

Title: Vegas Trip
Post by: NAKID on August 29, 2016, 11:03:43 AM
So, the wife and I decided to head up to Vegas this weekend to visit her family. I'm on the M821 with GIVI soft saddle bags and a GIVI 46L top case on a SW-Motech Alu-Rack mount.
WE left at around 6am from Norco and stopped for a short fuel and stretch break in Baker. I didn't need fuel yet (usually can get 180 miles or so before the fuel light comes on) but didn't have enough fuel to make it all the way. I had averaged just under 50mpg on that stretch while maintaining 80-85mph indicated (I know it's slower, just not how much slower). Got back on the road and we were in Vegas before 10am.
We had a vehicle to use while there so we didn't ride in town. Well, Sunday was quite a bit warmer that Saturday so after dinner, we got on the road to head back at about 7pm. Since it was so much warmer, we stopped again in Baker to stretch, cool off, and drink some water, then in Barstow for fuel and another stretch break. Last push back to Norco had us pulling in right at the 4 hour mark. Not bad for 236 miles door to door with 2 stops.

So, While I think the Monster is a good tourer when properly equipped, I think the 1 thing I can and will add that will improve that is a windshield. With the wife leaning back against the top case, the space between us creates some weird aero effects that make me feel like I'm being pulled back away from the bars. That and I'm a little bobble headed causing some neck strain.

I'm not looking to add the stock bikini style fairing, but something a little more substantial.

Any recommendations?

Title: Re: Vegas Trip
Post by: Speeddog on August 29, 2016, 12:54:18 PM
One of my sport touring customers got this one, really likes it:
http://www.twistedthrottle.com/mra-variotouringscreen-vtnb-universal-motorcycle-windshield-clear-smoke-or-all-black (http://www.twistedthrottle.com/mra-variotouringscreen-vtnb-universal-motorcycle-windshield-clear-smoke-or-all-black)

Title: Re: Vegas Trip
Post by: NAKID on September 01, 2016, 07:27:15 AM
One of my sport touring customers got this one, really likes it:
http://www.twistedthrottle.com/mra-variotouringscreen-vtnb-universal-motorcycle-windshield-clear-smoke-or-all-black (http://www.twistedthrottle.com/mra-variotouringscreen-vtnb-universal-motorcycle-windshield-clear-smoke-or-all-black)

I had looked at the MRA windscreens before, I'm just not sure what the purpose of the separate "spoiler" looking part is.

Title: Re: Vegas Trip
Post by: Speeddog on September 01, 2016, 07:34:44 AM
Allows adjustment of the airflow to some degree.

I've not ridden with it, so can't say how effective it is.

Title: Re: Vegas Trip
Post by: krolik on April 08, 2017, 06:34:06 PM
How was Vegas?

Title: Re: Vegas Trip
Post by: NAKID on April 10, 2017, 09:32:15 AM
Oh, it was good. Went with an MRA SpeedScreen. I've been to Vegas a few times and Phoenix twice with it and it does well. It's especially helpful when it rains because I can tuck completely behind it. I don't think it spoils the look "too" much, but definitely takes away from the sportiness of the bike a bit.

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