Title: Hi I am new to the forum, just recently acquired a Ducati S2R 1000 Post by: Jaycee@1955 on August 29, 2016, 07:06:03 PM I live in Northern California and recently acquired a 2007 Ducati S2R 1000 which is a big change from my usual 4 cylinder sport bikes. I hope to participate on the forums as I have quite a few things I want to do to the bike and I am sure there are a lot of knowledgeable owners on here, hope to see you on the various pages, JC
Title: Re: Hi I am new to the forum, just recently acquired a Ducati S2R 1000 Post by: koko64 on December 01, 2016, 11:33:06 AM [thumbsup]
Welcome [beer] Also try the forum search function, there is a wealth of information. Cheers. |