Title: Howdy, thanks, and farewell DML Post by: il d00d on May 07, 2008, 11:54:58 AM Re-hello all.
Il d00d, formerly, well, il d00d of the DML. Good to be back among the good (I'd say best) people of my beloved motoring community. A quick thanks to the DMF 8 for putting this thing together. You do good work... Please help yourself to a bear claw and some St Bernardus 12. --Adam Houston TX The pilot of a yellow 2004 620 since 05. Still unmodified, except for stolen seat cowl. Title: Re: Howdy, thanks, and farewell DML Post by: empress duc on May 07, 2008, 12:03:55 PM yay for migrating moderators!
Title: Re: Howdy, thanks, and farewell DML Post by: DY on May 07, 2008, 12:16:14 PM How did they steal your seat cowl?... wasn't your seat locked down?
Title: Re: Howdy, thanks, and farewell DML Post by: il d00d on May 07, 2008, 12:45:23 PM I have no idea how they stole it, actually. Where I had it parked was my old place where there was a lot of foot traffic. Oftentimes, the feet were propelling a shopping cart, and in that shopping cart contained such sundries as aluminum cans, etc. So, the conclusion I came to was that the theft was an act of homeless ingenuity. For what purposes I don't know. I pictured it being used as a hat, with a chinstrap to hold it in place. That is to say, an extremely stylish, Italian, yellow plastic hat.
Title: Re: Howdy, thanks, and farewell DML Post by: DY on May 07, 2008, 12:52:08 PM Hahaha... F*cking thieves. Really, what are you going to do with a plastic fishermans-hat looking seat cowl. Maybe someone picked your lock cause I dont know how else you'd be able to get those screws off.