Title: Touring monster Post by: pitbull on October 03, 2016, 04:32:41 PM What do you do when you have the perfect sport touring bike and you're getting ready to take off on a two week trip from Ontario, Canada to Colorado and New Mexico?
(http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h156/magnus157/20150910_134119_zps41d1kmzf.jpg) (http://s63.photobucket.com/user/magnus157/media/20150910_134119_zps41d1kmzf.jpg.html) Why you leave it in the garage of course and load up the monster instead. (http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h156/magnus157/20160914_111309_zpseofhalqy.jpg) (http://s63.photobucket.com/user/magnus157/media/20160914_111309_zpseofhalqy.jpg.html) I love the ST4 and it would have been the better bike for the 2 1/2 days of interstate each way, but the monster is so much better through the canyons and over the passes, I had to take it. With a seat pad on the sargent seat and some jury rigged hwy pegs, it was far more comfortable than other long trips I've done on it. If it weren't for occasional two-up trips with my woman, the ST4 would be up for sale. Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: koko64 on October 03, 2016, 04:39:47 PM That ST4 is classy. [thumbsup]. " A Gran Touring Sport machine for the discerning gentleman and his beautiful companion."
The Monster is for tearing around with your mates. [evil] Get a track bike and you got it covered. [beer] Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: the_Journeyman on October 03, 2016, 05:02:02 PM I've got risers and a Moose ATV bar on my M750 that makes it a pretty swell touring rig. Plenty of luggage too, 4-piece Tourmaster set. They're actually pretty good touring bikes.
JM Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: Speeddog on October 03, 2016, 05:55:00 PM You guys need to learn how to pack some stuff! [laugh]
(https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8019/7539607344_d4fb937249_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/cufsA5) Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: koko64 on October 03, 2016, 06:07:20 PM ;D
Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: Mhanis on October 04, 2016, 02:25:16 AM Here is mine fitted for a week in the Appalachians.
(http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii44/mhanis-colt/Barn.jpg) (http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mhanis-colt/media/Barn.jpg.html) Mark Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: pitbull on October 04, 2016, 04:06:05 AM I used to do the soft saddle bags, but I found them a pain in the ass to carry around and pack. I found a top box on ebay that's been the best touring feature ever for the monster. A dry bag over the seat is much more handy for me than saddle bags.
Everything I don't need to take into the hotel room at night gets locked in the top box. Walking into a hotel room now is simply throwing the dry bag shoulder strap over one shoulder and carrying in the tank bag in hand. Packing up in the morning takes me a couple minutes. Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: koko64 on October 04, 2016, 04:18:29 AM +1. I have some DP Monster saddle bags that I throw over the Hyper's seat and a tail bag holding them down.
Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: the_Journeyman on October 04, 2016, 06:47:31 AM You guys need to learn how to pack some stuff! [laugh] (https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8019/7539607344_d4fb937249_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/cufsA5) That's pretty similar to my setup, only my tail bag isn't quite as big, same side bags though. JM Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: Moronic on October 09, 2016, 11:59:01 AM I love the ST4 and it would have been the better bike for the 2 1/2 days of interstate each way, but the monster is so much better through the canyons and over the passes, I had to take it. If it weren't for occasional two-up trips with my woman, the ST4 would be up for sale. That's interesting. I've had only a brief ride on an ST but given they share frame dimensions with my Monster I had assumed they would feel much the same through the passes. So I have often felt a bit misguided in having chosen the Monster, given how much touring-type work I have forced it to do over the years. But it seems to like it - and I certainly do. Sounds like I can put the second-guessing behind me. :) (https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-jTGXHpn/0/L/i-jTGXHpn-L.jpg) Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: d3vi@nt on October 09, 2016, 10:00:58 PM That's interesting. I've had only a brief ride on an ST but given they share frame dimensions with my Monster I had assumed they would feel much the same through the passes. I swapped my M695 for an ST2. At around 100 pounds lighter, I found the Monster was definitely more flickable through the twisties. The better suspension on the ST coupled with adjustable ride height helped narrow the gap a bit, though...Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: the_Journeyman on October 10, 2016, 07:28:53 AM I do like the handling characteristics of the Monster over a lot of other bikes I've ridden, even better than the 900SS I had. Adding the ATV bars and risers made it all-day touring capable without feeling cramped. I've done several near dawn to dusk rides on it.
JM Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: Blackout on October 10, 2016, 07:34:38 AM Can't ride the monster worth shiit with a tank bag on there. Something about it just throws me way off.
Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: koko64 on October 10, 2016, 07:37:17 AM Same here.
Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: the_Journeyman on October 10, 2016, 08:23:27 AM I've got a smaller tank bag (it's really just big enough for my D90 and a bottle of water & pack of crackers) than that in the picture and the risers keep my chest far enough away it doesn't interfere with my body movements when I decide to get speedy in the twisty parts.
JM Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: Moronic on October 10, 2016, 01:43:39 PM Can't ride the monster worth shiit with a tank bag on there. Something about it just throws me way off. I know some people hate tank bags. I love 'em. Especially for long runs on a Monster, because they work better than a fairing for keeping you comfortable against the airstream at highway speeds. The bike is certainly more cumbersome with all that weight up high from the luggage though. I suppose I might be a wee bit quicker in corners without the tank bag, but I am not often in a huge rush these days and I don't enjoy the bike any less with the bag on. Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: Moronic on October 10, 2016, 01:46:11 PM I swapped my M695 for an ST2. At around 100 pounds lighter, I found the Monster was definitely more flickable through the twisties. The better suspension on the ST coupled with adjustable ride height helped narrow the gap a bit, though... Also interesting. Thanks. Yes I suppose the weight makes a big difference - even the big steel fuel tank must be like having a tank bag on permanently. Not to mention the upper part of the fairing. Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: pitbull on October 15, 2016, 11:35:36 AM I swapped my M695 for an ST2. At around 100 pounds lighter, I found the Monster was definitely more flickable through the twisties. The better suspension on the ST coupled with adjustable ride height helped narrow the gap a bit, though... Been away for a couple weeks, so just responding to a few thoughts now. The ST4's added weight is definitely more noticeable to me and it's also a little more top heavy, compared to the monster. Suspension wise 01 monster 900 suspension was the same as the ST4, but I've upgraded my monster to SBK forks and an Ohlins rear shock, which certainly makes a difference. While I did upgrade the wheels on the ST4 to ST4s wheels, the monster has Marvic mag wheels, so there's no advantage for the ST there either. I've also put upright handlebars on my ST4, but it's still a longer reach to the bars so the monster is more comfortable that way as well. I actually just found a set of hard bags and racks locally, for the monster, so I'm gonna spiffy up the ST4 and throw her up for sale. The ST4 is a great bike and I do really like it alot, but every time I'm on it, I wish I were on the monster. I get stressed having more than one motorcycle as I'd much rather be out riding than cleaning and maintaining. I've become a bit of a minimalist in my old age and one monster fits that mindset perfectly. The biggest reason I bought the ST4 in the first place was for 2-up rides with my woman. Once I get the hard bags set up, we can tour 2-up with much more room. Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: koko64 on November 04, 2017, 12:22:45 AM Hey Pitbull.
I know this is an old thread, but what brand of upright bars did you fit to your ST4 and would they fit an ST2? Cheers. Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: d3vi@nt on November 05, 2017, 09:33:52 AM Hey Pitbull. HeliBars seem to be the most popular option, but I'm pretty sure they're not available for the ST2. I know this is an old thread, but what brand of upright bars did you fit to your ST4 and would they fit an ST2? Cheers. The only options I'm aware of for the ST2 are Convertibars (not cheap) and straight up bar risers like Corse Dynamics sells: https://convertibars.3dcartstores.com/Ducati-ST-2-ST-498-02-Bike-Specific-Kit_p_137.html https://motowheels.com/i-10311365-corse-dynamics-bar-risers-ducati-st2-st4-st4s.html Most likely will require longer brake lines and too much height will cause clearance issues with the fairing. Title: Re: Touring monster Post by: pitbull on November 05, 2017, 01:22:33 PM Hey Pitbull. I know this is an old thread, but what brand of upright bars did you fit to your ST4 and would they fit an ST2? Cheers. They were a set of Rizoma tapered bars and risers I had from an older project. They had been sitting around for a few years, so I tried them on the ST4. The cables were just long enough, but the fairing interfered and I had to let out the steering stops a little and move in the reservoirs a ittle. Eventually I found a DP comfort kit fairing for the ST4 which was a nice upgrade, gave lots of room for the bars and looked better than the stock fairing. It was a pretty fantastic set up overall and there are still days I regret selling the bike as it was a great touring bike and comfortable 2-up. Title: Touring monster Post by: GK on November 05, 2017, 02:48:22 PM Any pics of this setup?
I'm following the conversation. 👍🏻 |