Title: Termignoni/Remus Core Tune Post by: CookieMonster on October 19, 2016, 03:37:36 PM Ok guys, I need a wee bit of help here. I am a couple of perforated tubes and fiberglass fill away from putting my cans together (took me long enough). My OEM cans say that my cans are Termi cans, the cans I stripped say are Remus cans. Now I will be getting the fill and perforated tubes during the winter. However, I want a nice rumble to 'em, I deep tone and several dbs increase. Honestly, I have never heard Termis nor Remus in person but I can only imagine.
Now I need some help, I was told that the tighter you wrap the tubes the louder and not necessarily deeper they will sound. A little lose wrapping will yield a deeper tone with a slight increase in dbs. Can someone lead me in the direction of a Termi/Remus tone? I would like to do it right the first time. Thank you guys in advanced. |