Title: shorty termi fix?? Post by: muskrat on October 22, 2016, 02:00:39 PM cleaning my bike after today's run I see metal dangling off the inside of my termi. Rivets are broken and the welds on the sleeve that connect to the exhaust broken as well. Any thoughts on if it can be fixed by welding or will I need to drill all the rivets out before that's done? FYI...bought it from a guy on the forum so there's no warranty. [bang] This is the termi that Ducati sells found here (I had a custom mid pipe made and took out the flapper valve [evil]:
http://www.ducatiusa.com/accessories/multistrada/sport_pack_945/index.do?urlBack=%2Faccessories%2Fsearch%2Findex.do%3FkeyWord%3D%26pageNumber%3D0%26bikeFamilyName%3DMultistrada%26bikeModelLabel%3Dnull%26idModelYear%3Dnull%26idCategory%3D0%26nameOrder%3Ddesc%26sortOrder%3Drate (http://www.ducatiusa.com/accessories/multistrada/sport_pack_945/index.do?urlBack=%2Faccessories%2Fsearch%2Findex.do%3FkeyWord%3D%26pageNumber%3D0%26bikeFamilyName%3DMultistrada%26bikeModelLabel%3Dnull%26idModelYear%3Dnull%26idCategory%3D0%26nameOrder%3Ddesc%26sortOrder%3Drate) (http://i433.photobucket.com/albums/qq53/montey2005/8453F674-F4E4-4AAD-A629-7CC7A4A5C46F_zpsqhgen2mf.jpg) (http://i433.photobucket.com/albums/qq53/montey2005/CDE89F97-49E4-4243-8635-4C3401C3DF1F_zpslwpmplxy.jpg) Title: Re: shorty termi fix?? Post by: ducpainter on October 22, 2016, 02:05:21 PM Not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at in the second pic.
Title: Re: shorty termi fix?? Post by: muskrat on October 22, 2016, 02:17:04 PM the second pic shows the empty carbon shrowd. Here's what's inside that no longer is there due to two POS welds, like a tac weld job at best IMO but I'm no welder
(http://i433.photobucket.com/albums/qq53/montey2005/6B33BEC6-00EA-4946-B7F0-46D02E69A077_zpstex8trgw.jpg) Title: Re: shorty termi fix?? Post by: Speeddog on October 22, 2016, 02:20:35 PM Not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at in the second pic. +1 That badge can just be riveted back on. Trouble is, there's likely a washer on the inside that's come adrift. And it needs a washer for the rivet to work against, it'll just fuxxor the carbon otherwise. So the can has to come apart. ----------------------------------------- I see you've done that already. If it's the end cap that needs to be welded, I'd remove it from the carbon shroud first. Title: Re: shorty termi fix?? Post by: muskrat on October 22, 2016, 02:40:49 PM the can inside the carbon housing had two welds at the end that have both broken. I'm guessing rivets come out on the end of the cone to re-weld correctly?
Title: Re: shorty termi fix?? Post by: Speeddog on October 22, 2016, 02:53:21 PM Yes, I'd take the rivets out to weld it.
Stainless doesn't conduct heat super well, but it's probably compromise the resin in the CF layup, and I suspect that carbon sleeve would be hard to find all by itself. Title: Re: shorty termi fix?? Post by: muskrat on October 23, 2016, 09:17:51 AM thanks guys. now to try my hand at welding........this sucks.