Title: Which model year S2R had remote reservoirs for front brake and clutch? Post by: ljsmonster on November 03, 2016, 08:03:30 PM I Have been researching Monster S2Rs and one thing I cannot determine is whether there was a version that came stock with remote reservoirs for the front brake and clutch. In most cases I saw that none did, but I have seen a couple of reviews where they did. [bang] Does anyone has an answer for this question?
Title: Re: Which model year S2R had remote reservoirs for front brake and clutch? Post by: Howie on November 03, 2016, 10:30:44 PM Out of the factory S2R 1000s have pee cup (remote) reservoirs, S2R 800s have coffin reservoirs.
Title: Re: Which model year S2R had remote reservoirs for front brake and clutch? Post by: Speeddog on November 03, 2016, 10:36:46 PM Out of the factory S2R 1000s have pee cup (remote) reservoirs, S2R 800s have coffin reservoirs. +1, yes. Title: Re: Which model year S2R had remote reservoirs for front brake and clutch? Post by: ljsmonster on November 04, 2016, 05:14:14 AM That makes sense! I guess that the pictures that I have seen were of the wrong model. Thanks, guys! [clap]