Title: Quat D midpipe- what's the cloth for? and gasket question.S2R1K Post by: J.P. on July 20, 2008, 04:26:03 AM Checked everywhere, TOB, translated the instructions, ...
It's a small piece of heat insulating cloth, came in the hardware bag. The pipes went on as expected, some leakage at the horizontal port- does the cloth go in there? I noticed the pipe is a smaller OD than stock, and a looser fit to the engine exhaust port. Already bent the flange piece trying to tighted it- is there a gasket I can try? Thanks!JP. Title: Re: Quat D midpipe- what's the cloth for? and gasket question.S2R1K Post by: fromario on July 20, 2008, 06:11:37 AM i believe the cloth is to wipe your tears away when nothing fits!!
I used liquid gasket to try to seal everything up... any auto parts store should have it Title: Re: Quat D midpipe- what's the cloth for? and gasket question.S2R1K Post by: booger on July 20, 2008, 09:07:06 PM Did you use the two clamps that came with the kit? I have one for my bike, and used the two clamps that came with the pipe on the two header joints. No leakage that I can detect. I wondered what the cloth was for myself but couldn't figure it out. The instructions translated make no mention of them. Dunno what the zip ties are for either.
Title: Re: Quat D midpipe- what's the cloth for? and gasket question.S2R1K Post by: J.P. on July 21, 2008, 03:41:19 AM Used up all parts except the cloth and zip ties(they are for the lambda sensor wires, but I didn't bother installing the thing). Got the leaks stopped w/ alittle adjusting. Still alittle too room-ie in the header to port area for me and the pipe flange lip is too small for the securing plate(?)- but it all works and looks(sounds) good.
Know where I can get a copper bushing for in there? I think Fromario has it figured out. Title: Re: Quat D midpipe- what's the cloth for? and gasket question.S2R1K Post by: dlearl476 on July 21, 2008, 10:07:10 AM i believe the cloth is to wipe your tears away when nothing fits!! [laugh] ;D [clap] |