Title: WARN about CHEAT in Internet !!!! Post by: Andrew904 on December 05, 2016, 07:35:29 AM Hello
I would like to warn Everybody about the cheat in Internet! I found an offer to sell Ducati wheels in Internet on the website: http://alamio.de/ducati/ducati-monster-900ss-wiwo-speichenfelgen-felgensatz-regensburg-p2558.html http://www.kleinanzeigen-landesweit.de/anzeige-900672.html The fraud seller is John Rogers from England email jonnerog@mail.com and “fiction” transport company Euro-Tran & Co Services Shipping LTD http://WWW.EURO-TRAN.SERVICES-LTD.COM and its Agent Lucas Hedges. I paid 650 GBP to Agent Lucas Hedges, then the company should start the delivery. The agent Lucas Hedges took the money and did not send the package!!! The website http://WWW.EURO-TRAN.SERVICES-LTD.COM has been closed on 05 Dec 2016. I warn Everybody to not do transaction with these persons!!! Title: Re: WARN about CHEAT in Internet !!!! Post by: koko64 on December 06, 2016, 05:04:52 PM Thanks Andrew and sorry to hear man.