Title: Tacho stopped working, what are my options? (2004 m800ie) Post by: greyskull on January 15, 2017, 05:28:01 AM Hi Guys,
I've been trying to get to the bottom of my rev counter woes, it suddenly stopped working a few months ago. It's been checked by a dealer who say the cabling is fine, the rev counter responds when plugged into a computer but the gauge doesn't move. When I switch on the ignition only the speedo needle swoops. Today I stripped down the instrument cluster. I took off the clock faces and removed the dash from the casing (very carefully) there were some small pieces of broken plastic behind the clocks. On inspection these turned out to be broken off fragments of the plastic retaining clips (that hold the speedo and tacho motors/servos in place). I fixed them as best I could with superglue. The tacho needle was firm and held in position. Not a hint of looseness. I couldn't figure out how to strip down to just the PCB. Do I need to remove the needles and has anyone done this? (this worries me!) What are my options? How do I strip down the gauges to pcb level? Do I need a complete new instrument cluster? If so, will an S2R cluster (with white dials) be a compatible swap for my M800 cluster (with black dials) Apart from the dial colours, they look very similar. Is an instrument cluster swap a major ball ache? I have all the original keys and security cards. Here's a new one on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brand-New-Genuine-Ducati-Monster-S2R-Dashboard-KM-H-/222300188068? (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brand-New-Genuine-Ducati-Monster-S2R-Dashboard-KM-H-/222300188068?)but it's part no is 40610345A and mine is 406.1.026.1 (i think) Any help greatly appreciated. Title: Re: Tacho stopped working, what are my options? (2004 m800ie) Post by: stopintime on January 15, 2017, 05:40:43 AM This should bring you to some info about taking it apart
http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=56614.msg1166122#msg1166122 I think (!) they are compatible. Must be paired with your ECU and keys ~1 hour job at your dealer. Since that job has to be done anyway, I think (!) you could get a used dash. (wait for others to verify and/or call dealer) Title: Re: Tacho stopped working, what are my options? (2004 m800ie) Post by: greyskull on January 15, 2017, 05:00:35 PM Thanks! That 696 thread you posted is a goldmine of info.
I'm still thinking I need to go down the replacement instrument cluster route. Can anyone confirm whether an S2R dash will be compatible with the M800? |