Title: New Monster owner in Chicago Post by: adjcafe on February 27, 2017, 08:21:39 PM Hi everyone -
I just bought a 2000 M900 Sei (and rode it home in Feb in Chicago!). It is my first Ducati but I have had quite a few bikes over the years. My current stable incl a 15 Triumph Tiger 800XCx, 08 Yammie WR250X and 75 RD350 (love me some 2 smokers). I have ridden almost anything with an engine and 2 wheels for 12 years. Excited to have my first Duc. (PS - anyone know of an airbox lid for a fuel injection M900? Mine didn't have one and Id like to put one on to correct it's over-lean intake). Title: Re: New Monster owner in Chicago Post by: koko64 on March 21, 2017, 10:48:47 PM Welcome! [beer]
Post in the Tech section regarding your suspected overly lean running bike and the open airbox. Cheers. |