Title: Rearset compatibility Post by: brecchi on March 25, 2017, 01:21:48 PM Are all rear sets for Monsters compatible with each other as long as they are double sided? I have a 2001 Monster 900 and Im looking at sets on Ebay for later model 696/796 etc. Thanks [cheeky]
Title: Re: Rearset compatibility Post by: ducpainter on March 25, 2017, 01:28:40 PM This will get better answers in Acc&Mods
Title: Re: Rearset compatibility Post by: stopintime on March 25, 2017, 01:41:17 PM 900 rearsets are mounted on the frame (and engine). 696 a.s.o. are mounted on the swing arm axle (and engine)
Longer swing arm axle on the 900 sounds tempting, but I doubt it'll work mechanically - clearances and free movement? Title: Re: Rearset compatibility Post by: Speeddog on March 25, 2017, 01:45:58 PM M400, M600, M620, M695, M750, M800, M900, S4, and M1000 are all compatible.
S2R, S4R, S4Rs, S4Rt are different from the above. M696, 796, 1100, etc are different from the above. If you don't need exhaust supports and/or passenger pegs, that changes things a bit. Title: Re: Rearset compatibility Post by: brecchi on March 26, 2017, 07:23:05 PM Thanks for the explanations. Plenty to work with now!