Title: New Monster in Columbus, OH Post by: Chillzen on April 13, 2017, 04:37:26 PM Hey all! I just picked up a 2005 M620 in Columbus, OH. I'm excited to journey through this new world of bikes. Currently and for the past several years I've been riding my 2001 Harley Sportster 1200C. Love it, keeping it, but always wanted a Ducati Monster after teaching my friend how to ride hers two years ago, and painting it for her, fixing/maintaining etc..
My new friend appears to be stock everything from what I can tell. I've been perusing the interwebs for upgrades and what accessories are out there, but haven't found too much that screams 'you need me' just yet. First thoughts are that I really want to change the exhaust since I'm not too keen on the flat aluminum look, get some end of bar round mirrors, and a different headlight setup to have a more unique look. Little about me- In Ohio I work at JP Morgan. In the Army I'm in the intel field, currently in CA taking a Russian Linguistics course until this september (So I apologize if some of my sentence constructions don't make complete sense or are worded funny, it's a full immersion course 8hrs a day everyday which is killing my english lol). I served two deployments in Afghanistan, lived in OH, AZ and for now in CA. I love my camera and taking photos, so now I have a new model to obsess over! Please feel free to leave any good pieces of advice for this machine; recommended upgrades, tips, cautions etc. (I'll add a photo to this post as soon as I can figure out how to navigate this evil beast) Thanks! Chillzen Title: Re: New Monster in Columbus, OH Post by: DarkMonster620 on April 13, 2017, 04:45:25 PM Welcome to the DMF . . .
Title: Re: New Monster in Columbus, OH Post by: Charlie98 on April 14, 2017, 05:57:24 AM Welcome! ...from a former Buckeye and Columbusite. Bought my first motorcycle when I lived there (1985) and seriously burned up the road all around Columbus wearing it out. As an aside, the first Monster I ever saw was down on High Street... all the biker dudes would park at the 7-Eleven before they would all roar off and race out to the airport or somewhere... brand new Monster, I didn't even know they were available yet, and in true scooter trash form, he had already dropped it on both sides.
Have fun out in CA! (Presidio, correct?) ...and thank you for your service. |