Title: New Monster in Munich Post by: kanzie on April 18, 2017, 03:38:33 AM Hey Ducatistas!
I just got my first bike and as such also my first Ducati this weekend and managed to get two hours of lovely riding before the freak weather decided to switch from summer to winter and it started snowing. Such is life in lovely Munich, Germany where I reside! It is a Ducati Monster 796 Anniversary Edition which has seen a lot of miles already since the previous owner took it on trips to Spain, Croatia and other exotic places. Despite this it looks like brand new and to me this just proves how reliable the bike is. Haven't been riding much bike at all in my life but instead spent most of my time behind the wheel of cars which I happily take to the track for occasional track day riding. I decided I needed a change of things and put my Lotus Elise up for sale to instead try on life as a biker and so far I'm not disappointed! If you are on the roads around South Germany or the Alps and it is not snowing, look out for me! (http://i.imgur.com/L5fHW7gh.jpg) Title: Re: New Monster in Munich Post by: koko64 on April 18, 2017, 03:52:52 AM Welcome [beer]
Title: Re: New Monster in Munich Post by: swimtriman on April 20, 2017, 08:40:09 PM Nice ride!!!! enjoy