Title: Got cocky coring Post by: CookieMonster on April 23, 2017, 07:03:09 PM Well its that time of year again, since I didn't get to work on anything bike related during the winter and my job keeping me pretty busy even off of work I decided to finish what I had started last summer.
So I started to finish coring my exhaust, I breezed through the first one. In fact I thought it was too dam easy and on the second one I ran into a little issue. I tried to put together the fasteners inside the can with JB Weld, that didn't work as I expected because they did not grab, so I went the Locktite rout which was going as planned. So I started stuffing everything back in, after wrestling with the innards and finally getting the tip in LOL I went and riveted the tip one (anther wrestling match), and when I thought I was finally done I took a look at my accomplishment and found out the all the wrestling and the wires musta caught one nut and yanked it off. To my dismay it happens to be the nut that holds the heat shield. What to do, what to do... I don't wanna tare that one appart...it was hell putting it together. I'm thinking going shieldless and plugging holes with some type of rubber plugs OR use the one nut to hold the shield and using the Locktite to glue the nut to the OUTSIDE until I have to replace the packing. That way I at least have something to hang onto while the other one does most of the work. Pix time. (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y121/3twenty8i/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20170423_172434_zps0fa8beal.jpg) (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/3twenty8i/media/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20170423_172434_zps0fa8beal.jpg.html) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y121/3twenty8i/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20170423_190250_zpsl7aflr6b.jpg) (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/3twenty8i/media/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20170423_190250_zpsl7aflr6b.jpg.html) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y121/3twenty8i/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20170423_190229_zpsfonrl33u.jpg) (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/3twenty8i/media/2006%20Ducati%20Mostro%20S2R1k/20170423_190229_zpsfonrl33u.jpg.html) Title: Re: Got cocky coring Post by: Langanobob on April 30, 2017, 03:01:33 AM You might try a Rivnut:
https://www.libertyeng.com/Products/RivnutBackground/ (https://www.libertyeng.com/Products/RivnutBackground/) You'd have to buy the tool, sort of like a a Poprivet tool. Title: Re: Got cocky coring Post by: Speeddog on April 30, 2017, 06:29:39 AM With a nut, a bolt and a washer, you can set a rivnut.
Takes a bit of finesse, as rivnuts are fairly soft aluminum. |